Maybe it's a solution for this paricular case. But I can imagine other
situations where there would be necessary to know if a queue exists or
not, for example, what if the consumer disconnects from the broker and
the producer has still some messages to send? in this case, all those
messages will fail, so, is there a method or function to know the
existence of a queue?
Thank you very much!

El mar, 29-09-2009 a las 02:11 -0700, Gordon Sim (via Nabble) escribió:
> On 09/29/2009 09:34 AM, ricardlf wrote: 
> > 
> > Hi! 
> > I'm working on an application where each consumer has its own queue,
> the 
> > producers wait until the queue of its consumer is created and then
> they 
> > start to send message to its consumer (the producer knows the
> consumer's 
> > queue name from the begining). How can I know when the queue is
> created to 
> > make the producer start to send messages? I need to do this in Java
> and C++ 
> > because I'm wraiting producers in both languages. 
> My suggestion would be to have the consumer send (or broadcast) a 
> message when they are ready to receive messages. 
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