Hi Sanath, It appears that a directory was left out of the tar file. Could you please open a JIRA for this issue to ensure it is resolved for the next version? I will attach the files you need to the jira when I see it. Sorry for the errors. -Steve
-- Steve Huston, Riverace Corporation Total Lifecycle Support for Your Networked Applications http://www.riverace.com <http://www.riverace.com/> -----Original Message----- From: Sanath_Prudhvi [mailto:sanath_prud...@mahindrasatyam.com] Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 11:54 PM To: users@qpid.apache.org Subject: Apache Qpid Error Hi All, I am Sanath Kumar new to AMQP (Apache Qpid implementation). I am using Windows XP SP2 operating system with Visual Studio 2008. Last week I have downloaded "C++ Broker & Client qpid-cpp-0.8.tar.gz" file. As per the recommendations I have downloaded Python (1.86 version) and Ruby (1.9.2 version) respectively. I have created a PATH Environment variable like "PATH = C:\Python26; C:\Ruby192\bin;" for both Python and Ruby. I have downloaded Boost Libraries of version 1.42 and set below environment variables BOOST_ROOT : C:\Program Files(x86)\boost\boost_1_42 BOOST_VERSION : 104200 After completing the above settings I have downloaded and install CMAKE of version 2.8.6. I execute the .exe file of CMAKE and given Source Path (where my qpid-cpp folder exists :- E:\sanath\qpid-cpp_0-8) And destination/ build path as E:\Sanath\Build In the configuration window I have selected the Visual Studio 9 2008 and set the C++ compiler as default/ native C++ Compiler. When I clicked on "Configuration" button I am getting the following error which are collected in a text file and Attached same with this email. Please suggest/ guide me to install and run Apache Qpid C++ Broker without any Error / Fail thanks, - Sanath _____ DISCLAIMER: This email (including any attachments) is intended for the sole use of the intended recipient/s and may contain material that is CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVATE COMPANY INFORMATION. Any review or reliance by others or copying or distribution or forwarding of any or all of the contents in this message is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by email and delete all copies; your cooperation in this regard is appreciated.