Hi All,

I'm looking to set up a durable HA broker and had a few questions.
First off, sorry if these questions are more appropriate on a Linux-HA
forum... just trying to see if other people have come across the same

After setting up a two node cluster and being quite happy with the
ease of config - I realised that I would have to solve the split-brain
So, using 3 virtual machines, I followed the guide @
which works reasonable well - (I've had a few issues with rgmanager
hanging occasionally during failover... but I digress...)

The environment that I'm using at the moment is on a bunch of Linux
KVM's, but it will eventually be moved to physical infrastructure.
I have some reasonable performance requirements and the hardware I'm
using is quite expensive - so adding another node for HA just to
maintain a quorum seems "wasteful".

So, I'm investigating if a 2 node setup is possible.

Is it possible to do HA with two nodes (without a "real" qdisk)?
I've tried adding a 3rd node (a cheap virtual machine) for quorum only
- I.e. it doesn't run qpidd and is only used for quorum.  It seems to
work - although I haven't thoroughly tested all failure scenarios yet.
Other idea's I've had are
 - Using Qdisk heuristics to generate more votes - everything I read
seems to suggest not to do this...
 - Integrating with a load balancer (there's an existing LVS cluster
on the same network - that I can piggy-back on) to protect against
split-brain "somehow" :)
 - Leave it as a two node cluster and rely on corosync totem protocol,
or interface bonding for fault tolerance. Then, if a split brain does
occur, it's pretty certain (about 99.9% :) that clients wouldn't be
able to access the cluster anyway.

A couple of questions...
Do cluster messages require acknowledgement from cluster nodes before
sending ack's back to the client (if the clients require
acknowledgement)? And hence, does adding more nodes degrade
Has anyone ever tried running qpid over something like drbd?
Is it possible to specify a bind address for qpidd?

Look forward to any replies/guidance/commentary



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