Hi, Alex.  Thanks for the comments.

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Oleksandr Rudyy <oru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Justin,
> The new version looks really nice. Well done.
> However, I got a couple of minor comments.
> General remarks:
> I do not know if it is me (may be I am getting older and more conservative
> :) ) but I would decrease slightly the size of the fonts. They look bigger
> than I get used to.

I agree.  While I think modern websites do make the fonts a little
bigger, this still a little bigger than I prefer.  I have competing
concern, however.


In both of these renderings, I've reduced the font to the size I like
better.  In the wide layout, it produces a big gap in the middle that
I think looks bad.  That's why I bumped the font size up a little in
the current version.  If the wider layout with the smaller font works
for you, I can go back to that.

> Front page.
> I would like to suggest to remove couple of redundancies which appeared  in
> the new version of the site:
> - The download button in the right top corner seems like does not bring
> anything new as there is already download link in the top menu.

In this case, I think the redundancy may be justified.  The download
operation is high priority, one of the main things folks coming to our
site want to do.  That's why I consider it justified.

> - The phrase "Qpid is an Apache <http://www.apache.org/> project" seems
> like another duplication as the title of the site does not leave any place
> for doubts that it is not an Apache project. Maybe it can be replaced with
> the link to AMQP site? I would move the link to Apache main web site into
> Apache sub-section below.

Okay.  I like it there because that block is a concise statement of
our project.  But of course, you're right, there's no shyness about
the Apache connection.

> Also, I would improve the Developers link. It looks like an incorrectly
> written html comment for me. I would make it similar to the sections above
> ("Apache", "Resources", "Qpid Proton" etc.) and put some links underneath,
> for example, link to road map page (if we are going to maintain it
> accurately), qpid_project_etiquette_guide.html, code styles?, etc.

I'll work on a different approach.  At this point, I don't want to
promote project etiquette and that kind of thing to the front page.
I'm planning to instead link that stuff off the developer home.

> I got a question about documentation for previous  releases. There are
> links to the current documentation on each component page. But what about
> the links to the documentation for previous releases? Have I missed it?

In the new site, all the version-specific documentation is collected
under its corresponding release.  For example,


(Note that I haven't regenerated all the docs for releases before 0.20.)

There is a link to the release index at the bottom of the download
page.  I'm at adding in addition some text at the top of the download
page pointing to previous releases, and your comment here has started
me thinking about how to do it under the component pages.


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