> -----Original Message-----
> From: jglu2000 [mailto:jinghe...@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 15, 2013 11:54 AM
> To: users@qpid.apache.org
> Subject: Qpid throwed WSAENOBUFS while receiving data from a broker
> We have a Windows Qpid 0.20 C++ client that receives huge amount of data
> from a Qpid broker.  The other day, after enabling the debug+ logging level
> on Qpid, we saw the following message recorded in the Qpid log file:
> 2013-05-14 10:44:41 [System] debug Exception constructed: An operation on
> a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer
> space or because a queue was full.
> (...\qpid\sys\windows\SslAsynchIO.cpp:354)
> While researching the message "An operation on a socket could not be
> performed...", I have found that it is for error WSAENOBUFS on Windows.
> Most people talked about the operating systems running out of memory for
> TCP buffers or TCP "ephemeral" ports, but when I looked up the specific line
> of codes in Qpid, I saw that it was thrown by the following line in Qpid, not 
> by
> a Windows socket-related function calls:
> void SslAsynchIO::sslDataIn(qpid::sys::AsynchIO& a, BufferBase *buff) { ...
>             extraBuff = a.getQueuedBuffer();
>             if (0 == extraBuff)
>                 throw QPID_WINDOWS_ERROR(WSAENOBUFS);
> After the exception, our client continued to receive several messages before
> it stopped, and when we tried to send requests to the broker, we got no
> responses.  We are not sure that the later events were related to the
> exception.  We just like to know what does the exception mean.

The exception means the pre-allocated buffers in the AsynchIO object for the 
connection have been used up. I'm not sure if this is some sort of logic error 
or there should be more buffer space allocated. If you can develop a reliable 
way to reproduce this and raise a JIRA for the problem that would be very 

-Steve Huston

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