To fill in a little more about "clients can connect to any of the brokers", in  
the active-passive mode, clients connect to a virtual IP address that gets 
moved around to the current primary broker (this is one of the things driven by 
the resource manager). If the primary crashes (or its  node goes down, etc.) 
the virtual IP would be moved to wherever the newly chosen primary is - clients 
would need to reconnect, but always to the same IP.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rothkin, Steve (NY81) []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 11:25 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Queue mirroring with message grouping and clustering on
> Windows
> The section you mention below is for Active-Passive. I don't see anything
> about Active-Active (clients can connect to any of the brokers) -- I thought I
> saw that somewhere in the Qpid documentation, but its not in the manual
> you linked to below. Is Active-Active not available?
> > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: Steve Huston []
> > > > > I'm considering a Qpid.22 implementation under MS Windows for
> > > > > message queueing.  In the future we might go to a mixed
> > > > > environment with both Windows and Linux computers.
> > > > > For fault tolerance, I want the queues to be mirrored across 2
> > > > > to
> > > > > 3 computers which are connected by high speed LAN. Each queue
> > > > > will have multiple consumers on different computers (including
> > > > > some NOT hosting the queue), so I also need to use the message
> > > > > grouping feature to ensure that messages from a single source
> > > > > are not processed
> > > out of order.
> > > >
> > > > Ok.
> > > >
> > > > > 1)   Is clustering required to do this (on RabbitMQ it is, but 
> > > > > RabbitMQ
> > > appears
> > > > > to not support message grouping yet)?
> > > >
> > > > For mirroring across a set of nodes for FT, yes.
> > > >
> > > > > 2)   What is required to use clustering on Windows (and is it even
> > > available)?
> > > > > So far I've read that Corosync is required for clustering and in
> > > > > another place (a few years old) I read that Corosync isn't
> > > > > ported to/doesn't build on Windows.
> > > >
> > > > The new HA module in Qpid requires integration with a resource
> > > > manager; on Linux this is rgmanager (corosync is involved to
> > > > manage the cluster itself, but it's not directly involved with Qpid).
> > > > Currently there is no integration with a resource manager on
> > > > Windows clusters. It's probably not a gigantic amount of work to
> > > > get it there, but it's
> > > work that is needed.
> > >
> > > If there is a mix of linux and windows computers hosting the queues,
> > > do they need to use the same (or a compatible) resource manager?
> >
> > Yes, the brokers participating in the cluster do need to use the same
> resource manager.
> >
> > > As a way of getting around the need for a resource manager on
> > > Windows, if I made a cluster of linux machines (or linux VMs running
> > > under
> > > Windows) to host the mirrored queues would it then be ok/supported
> > > to have windows clients (NOT part of the cluster) to write to and read
> from the queues?
> >
> > Absolutely.
> >
> > > If I wanted to try to do the windows resource manager
> > > implemtentation (assuming my boss would allow it, and given that I
> > > have zero experience developing within Qpid), is there existing
> > > documentation that makes it clear (from the Qpid point of view) what
> > > I need to add to the code. If so, pointers to where to look would be
> helpful.
> >
> > You wouldn't necessarily need to add anything to Qpid - my
> > understanding is that it's more of a Windows scripting/integration
> > issue and not so much a Qpid coding issue. You can check this book:
> >
> > tml Section 1.11.10 has the info to get you going.
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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