Thanks Cliff, that fixed it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Cliff Jansen [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: SSL support in org.apache.qpid.messaging .NET API


Please try the recent fix to the JIRA (r1539474).  This should get you going 
for the 0-10 protocol.


On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Albert Pomortsev <> wrote:
> Chuck,
> I created
> Thanks,
> Albert.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chuck Rolke []
> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 6:57 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: SSL support in org.apache.qpid.messaging .NET API
> Hi Albert,
> Could you submit a jira for this issue? 
> Thanks,
> Chuck
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Albert Pomortsev" <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 6:48:19 PM
>> Subject: RE: SSL support in org.apache.qpid.messaging .NET API
>> Hi Gordon,
>> Yes, I configured the certificate and all relevant options on the broker.
>> I've finally managed to make the .NET helloworld example work, to a 
>> degree
>> though: it connects, sends and receives the message, but crashes on 
>> exit with access violation in Connection destructor in
>> qpid\cpp\bindings\qpid\dotnet\src\Connection.cpp:
>>     // Finalizer
>>     Connection::!Connection()
>>     {
>>         if (NULL != nativeObjPtr)
>>         {
>>             msclr::lock lk(privateLock);
>>             if (NULL != nativeObjPtr)
>>             {
>>                 delete nativeObjPtr; // <= exception here, line 191
>>                 nativeObjPtr = NULL;
>>             }
>>         }
>>     }
>> Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an 
>> indication that other memory is corrupt.
>>    at qpid.messaging.Connection.{dtor}(Connection* )
>>    at qpid.messaging.Connection.__delDtor(Connection* , UInt32 A_0)
>>    at Org.Apache.Qpid.Messaging.Connection.!Connection()
>>    at Org.Apache.Qpid.Messaging.Connection.Dispose(Boolean A_0)
>>    at Org.Apache.Qpid.Messaging.Connection.Finalize()
>> Looks like deletion of an already disposed object to me.
>> When I try running qpid-perftest as described in documentation I'm 
>> also getting access violation. From the trace it looks like some 
>> communication is going on between the tool and the broker but in the 
>> end it crashes without reporting anything:
>> D:\Projects\QPid\trunk\qpid\build\src\tests\Debug>qpid-perftest
>> --count 10000 -P ssl --port 5671 --broker broker.fqdn -t
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Client] debug Created IO thread: 0
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] debug TCPConnector created for 0-10
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Client] info Set TCP_NODELAY
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Security] debug SslConnector created for \x00-
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] debug RECV
>> [[]]: INIT(0-10)
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace RECV
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=0; {Con
>> nectionStartBody:
>> server-properties={qpid.federation_tag:V2:36:str16(df1f3306-21fa-4282
>> -
>> a9b8-fc3979f62709)};
>> mechanisms=str16
>> {V2:9:str16(ANONYMOUS), V2:5:str16(PLAIN)}; 
>> locales=str16{V2:5:str16(en_US)}; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Security] debug WindowsSasl::start(ANONYMOUS
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=0; {Con
>> nectionStartOkBody:
>> client-properties={qpid.client_pid:F4:int32(7536),qpid.client_ppid:F4:
>> int32(0),qpid.client_process:V2:0:s
>> tr16(),qpid.session_flow:F4:int32(1)}; mechanism=PLAIN; 
>> response=xxxxxx; locale=en_US; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace RECV
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=0; {Con
>> nectionTuneBody: channel-max=32767; max-frame-size=65535; 
>> heartbeat-min=0; heartbeat-max=0; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=0; {Con
>> nectionTuneOkBody: channel-max=32767; max-frame-size=65535; 
>> heartbeat=0; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=0; {Con
>> nectionOpenBody: virtual-host=; capabilities=void{}; insist=1; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace RECV
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=0; {Con
>> nectionOpenOkBody: known-hosts=str16{}; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Client] debug Known-brokers for connection:
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Client] info Connection 
>> [] connected to ssl:alado-alb
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Client] debug Connection 
>> [] no security layer in plac e
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Broker] debug SessionState::SessionState .:
>> 00A18D50
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Ses
>> sionAttachBody: name=aafa000f-2453-4ce6-9412-1add9be05c23; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace RECV
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Ses
>> sionAttachedBody: name=aafa000f-2453-4ce6-9412-1add9be05c23; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace RECV
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Ses
>> sionCommandPointBody: command-id=0; command-offset=0; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Ses
>> sionRequestTimeoutBody: timeout=0; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Ses
>> sionCommandPointBody: command-id=0; command-offset=0; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Que
>> ueDeclareBody: queue=qpid-perftest_pub_start; alternate-exchange=; 
>> arguments={}; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Que
>> uePurgeBody: queue=qpid-perftest_pub_start; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Exe
>> cutionSyncBody: }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace RECV
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Ses
>> sionTimeoutBody: timeout=0; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace RECV
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Ses
>> sionCompletedBody: commands={ [0,2] }; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Que
>> ueDeclareBody: queue=qpid-perftest_pub_done; alternate-exchange=; 
>> arguments={}; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:35 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Que
>> uePurgeBody: queue=qpid-perftest_pub_done; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Exe
>> cutionSyncBody: }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace RECV
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Ses
>> sionCompletedBody: commands={ [0,5] }; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Que
>> ueDeclareBody: queue=qpid-perftest_sub_ready; alternate-exchange=; 
>> arguments={}; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Que
>> uePurgeBody: queue=qpid-perftest_sub_ready; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Exe
>> cutionSyncBody: }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace RECV
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Ses
>> sionCompletedBody: commands={ [0,8] }; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Que
>> ueDeclareBody: queue=qpid-perftest_sub_done; alternate-exchange=; 
>> arguments={}; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Que
>> uePurgeBody: queue=qpid-perftest_sub_done; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Exe
>> cutionSyncBody: }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace RECV
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Ses
>> sionCompletedBody: commands={ [0,11] }; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Que
>> ueDeclareBody: queue=qpid-perftest0; alternate-exchange=; 
>> arguments={qpid.max_count:F4:int32(0),qpid.max_size:F4:int32(0)}; } ]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Que
>> uePurgeBody: queue=qpid-perftest0; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Exe
>> cutionSyncBody: }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace RECV
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Ses
>> sionCompletedBody: commands={ [0,14] }; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Ses
>> sionDetachBody: name=aafa000f-2453-4ce6-9412-1add9be05c23; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace RECV
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=1; {Ses
>> sionDetachedBody: name=aafa000f-2453-4ce6-9412-1add9be05c23; code=0; 
>> }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace SENT
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=0; {Con
>> nectionCloseBody: reply-code=200; reply-text=OK; }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [Network] trace RECV
>> [[]]: Frame[BEbe; channel=0; {Con
>> nectionCloseOkBody: }]
>> 2013-10-29 15:32:36 [System] debug Exception constructed: Closed by 
>> client
>> D:\Projects\QPid\trunk\qpid\build\src\tests\Debug>
>> Thanks,
>> Albert.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Gordon Sim []
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 1:57 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: SSL support in org.apache.qpid.messaging .NET API
>> On 10/29/2013 12:18 AM, Albert Pomortsev wrote:
>> > Hello qpid developers and users.
>> >
>> > I'm finding it impossible to use SSL from .NET messaging API. I 
>> > built qpid/proton from trunk sources on Windows. I can successfully 
>> > run the broker and, for example, run the csharp.example.helloworld 
>> > .NET sample using both amqp 0-10 and 1.0 protocols. But configuring 
>> > the client connection for SSL fails. By SSL I mean only server 
>> > authentication and encryption, not client authentication. I was 
>> > planning to use PLAIN SASL authentication with SSL.
>> >
>> > The C++ broker handbook states (p.42):
>> >
>> > 3. To open an SSL enabled connection in the Qpid Messaging API, set 
>> > the protocol connection option to ssl.
>> >
>> > This does not work. I'm receiving the exception "Unsupported protocol:
>> > ssl". Additionally, this option clashes with the option "protocol:amqp1.0"
>> > making using them together apparently impossible.
>> > I tried "transport:ssl".  With amqp 0-10 (no "protocol" option) I'm 
>> > getting "Failed to connect (reconnect disabled)" exception. With
>> > amqp1.0
>> > ("protocol:amqp1.0") I'm getting "No such transport: ssl" exception.
>> The 'transport' option is what is needed. The protocol option refers 
>> to AMQP
>> 1.0 v AMQP 0-10 as you state.
>> > Can someone please explain:
>> >
>> >
>> > -          Is SSL even supported in .NET messaging API?
>> It should be for 0-10, but unfortunately it is not yet for 1.0 on windows.
>> > -          If yes, what is the correct way to enable it?
>> There is a text document in the root of the cpp source tree:
>>, which in 
>> the second half describes how to get windows working from c++ and I 
>> believe the same configuration options will work for .NET (using 0-10).
>> Did you already specify these? If so, were there any errors on the 
>> broker side when connecting over 0-10 and ssl? The error you got 
>> there is a fairly generic one. Turning up the log level on the client may 
>> also help.
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