Hey Rob,
Another issue I've had with the refactoring due to QPID-5578 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/QPID-5578> is that I no longer see Binding and Subscription information.

I use the ConfigurationChangeListener to synchronise the internal state and I strongly suspect that you've removed some of the

childAdded(adapter); // Trigger corresponding ConfigurationChangeListener childAdded() callback.


I don't have the *before carnage occurred* versions handy to check but my suspicion is that there used to be childAdded stuff in SessionAdapter.getConsumers()

and also in the QueueAdapter.getBindings() and QueueAdapter.getConsumers()

The QueueAdapter.getConsumers() seems to have its own issues hence the queue.getChildren(Consumer.class)

But the bottom line is that I don't believe that the ConfigurationChangeListener is getting correctly updated with the necessary state information!!


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