So... looking at it now... I think bits of it were broken before (the
sessions on connections thing is horribly broken and always has been), but
it was broken a little bit more by some of the refactoring changes.

I'll try to apply something today that will not only unbreak the stuff I
broke, but get the sessions stuff and everything else working too... I may
be a few hours :-)

-- Rob

On 8 March 2014 15:19, Fraser Adams <> wrote:

> In case it helps:
> I've enabled some debug code to my
> public void childAdded(final ConfiguredObject object, final
> ConfiguredObject child)
> and when I connect from a QMF Console I see
> childAdded: ConnectionAdapter.
> childAdded: StandardQueue.TempQueue6be15a5e-e2e8-455d-91fe-f9c4d0065163
> childAdded: StandardQueue.TempQueuee06bd915-ed51-4072-9565-0f4b8f879dbc
> childAdded: StandardQueue.TempQueuecb017ab2-66e2-41d4-a700-b488d7963055
> I'm slightly concerned that I'm not seeing SessionAdapter - there's
> definitely "childAdded(adapter)" in ConnectionAdapter.getSessions() so
> it's probably due to the "if(!_sessionAdapters.containsKey(session))"
> Actually - I've just seen something weird. When I *kill* the QMF Console I
> see:
> childAdded: SessionAdapter.0
> childAdded: SessionAdapter.1
> ????????
> That seems to be happening consistently.
> If I add chidRemoved debug too I see:
> <when I add a QMF Console>
> childAdded: ConnectionAdapter.
> childAdded: StandardQueue.TempQueue2aedf125-368a-4c5b-ab01-297d5c9c19bb
> childAdded: StandardQueue.TempQueuef5b4e0f2-aea6-4cb6-9e94-697c91076457
> childAdded: StandardQueue.TempQueue8a4d6f9c-c28d-49dc-baa6-51da38252e7d
> <when I remove a QMF Console>
> childRemoved: StandardQueue.TempQueue8a4d6f9c-c28d-49dc-baa6-51da38252e7d
> childRemoved: StandardQueue.TempQueue2aedf125-368a-4c5b-ab01-297d5c9c19bb
> childRemoved: StandardQueue.TempQueuef5b4e0f2-aea6-4cb6-9e94-697c91076457
> childAdded: SessionAdapter.0
> childAdded: SessionAdapter.1
> childRemoved: ConnectionAdapter.
> I'm thinking that the childAdded during the Console/Connection removal is
> a bug???
> Regards,
> Frase
> On 08/03/14 13:59, Rob Godfrey wrote:
>> OK - then that is probably more obvious to fix :-)
>> Just need to sort out one last thing with logging, then I'll get the
>> bindings and consumers working through the model (and write some tests to
>> catch this error for next time)
>> -- Rob
>> On 8 March 2014 14:50, Fraser Adams <>
>> wrote:
>>  On 08/03/14 13:46, Rob Godfrey wrote:
>>>  Are the issues you are seeing just on Queue (i.e. getBindings() works ok
>>>> on
>>>> Exchange, getSubscriptions() works ok on sessions...)?
>>>> I'll take a look in a sec... and once I isolate the problem that'll be
>>>> worth a few more tests so it doesn't slip through the net next time...
>>>> -- Rob
>>>>  No sorry, I'm not seeing any child updates relating to Bindings or
>>> Subscriptions (Consumers)
>>>  On 8 March 2014 14:40, Fraser Adams <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>   Hey Rob,
>>>>> Another issue I've had with the refactoring due to QPID-5578 <
>>>>>> is that I no longer
>>>>> see
>>>>> Binding and Subscription information.
>>>>> I use the ConfigurationChangeListener to synchronise the internal state
>>>>> and I strongly suspect that you've removed some of the
>>>>>                       childAdded(adapter); // Trigger corresponding
>>>>> ConfigurationChangeListener childAdded() callback.
>>>>> Stuff
>>>>> I don't have the *before carnage occurred* versions handy to check but
>>>>> my
>>>>> suspicion is that there used to be childAdded stuff in
>>>>> SessionAdapter.getConsumers()
>>>>> and also in the QueueAdapter.getBindings() and
>>>>> QueueAdapter.getConsumers()
>>>>> The QueueAdapter.getConsumers() seems to have its own issues hence the
>>>>> queue.getChildren(Consumer.class)
>>>>> But the bottom line is that I don't believe that the
>>>>> ConfigurationChangeListener is getting correctly updated with the
>>>>> necessary
>>>>> state information!!
>>>>> Frase
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