On 8 April 2014 15:41, Gordon Sim <g...@redhat.com> wrote:

> <snip>
>> We are particularly interested in your comment "...qpidd (which supports
>> establishing basic AMQP 1.0 links to/from other processes)..."; Chris've
>> tried things like adding a link from a broker to a router with
>> "qpid-route link add..." but this produces errors relating to SASL on
>> the router side and version errors on the broker side. We haven't
>> pursued this further as we're not sure this is how it's supposed to
>> work. Is there any documentation or examples you could refer us to?
> In the case of qpidd this is indeed (as Fraser pointed out) via a slightly
> different mechanism than the existing 'federation' feature (which is more
> tied to AMQP 0-10).
> Specifically you would create a 'domain' to represent the router (or
> whatever external AMQP 1.0 compliant process you wish to connect to), then
> create 'incoming' or 'outgoing' links for messages to be transferred over.
> I'm afraid although I've described it on this list a few times, it isn't
> properly documented at all yet, sorry! I should also point out that its a
> relatively raw 'feature' at present. Specific known limitations at present
> include no automatic reconnect for broker established 1.0 connections and
> no mechanism for preventing message looping.
> However as an example, say you swapped Dispatch Router in for Broker B,
> you would then create a 'domain' for that on both Broker A and Broker C,
> using qpid-config (on latest qpid release):
>   qpid-config add domain BrokerB --argument url=public-ip
> or qpidt test tool[1] on earlier releases:
>   qpidt create domain url=public-ip
> (You can also specify sasl details if you want authentication, but as
> dispatch router doesn't yet support that, I've left it out).
> Then you would either add 'incoming' or 'outgoing' links from/to that
> domain, e.g. on BrokerA
>   qpid-config add outgoing my-test-link source=abc target=def
> and on BrokerC
>   qpid-config add incoming my-test-link source=def target=xyz
> which should cause messages sent to abc on BrokerA to be received by
> subscribers to xyz on BrokerC, with messages queued in abc and xyz.

I've set this scenario up on my test system (I had to add "--argument
domain=BrokerB" to the "qpid-config add incoming|outgoing ..." commands...)
and it looks promising, except if I understand correctly there is no
queuing on the relaying node since it's a dispatch router. Unfortunately we
absolutely need this.

> (You can also send/receive to/from e.g. my-random-address@BrokerB which
> will dynamically create the links as needed between A/C and B. However in
> this scheme you wouldn't get any store and forward ability, so there may
> not be any value to A and C being qpidd instances at all).
>  But to sum up, are there at all any "best practise" ways to solve
>> "dynamic routing" for spontaneously connected clients without public IPs
>> with today's (or tomorrow's :-) ) tool-set?
> You should be able to set this up using the 'old' federation and qpidd,
> though it would only use AMQP 0-10. You would need to use push routes as
> well as the standard pull routes. However even with dynamic routing you
> would need one route in each direction per exchange, and the same would
> apply to 'static' routes if you didn't need the traffic to be optimised to
> avoid unnecessary transfers[2], and static routes do allow push routes
> (where the flow of messages is to the process that originally established
> the tcp connection). I think this is the best solution today if you have to
> have some store-and-forward ability (i.e. allow senders to forget about
> messages they sent and rely on the messaging intermediaries to keep trying
> to deliver until successful).
> Tomorrows solution would I think be based either on the new mechanisms
> being added to Dispatch Router, allowing store-and-forward capability to be
> added for addresses through an associated broker to which the router will
> manage connections, or on adding reconnect/redelivery capabilities to
> messenger. You are just a little bit ahead of us at present!

We're obviously very interested in these next developments. Can you give us
a rough idea of when we can hope to see these implemented, at least in

Thanks, Chris

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