On 12/17/2014 10:45 AM, Wayna Runa wrote:
Hi there again!

I am trying to connect to RabbitMQ queue (AMQP 0-9-1) via custom exchange
using Destination (Binding URL) without success.

I have tried several definitions of "destination", here my JNDI config:

connectionfactory.myRabbitMQConnectionFactory1 = amqp://admin:xxx@clientid

destination.myDestination1 = direct://ex_test1/rk_test1/q_test1
destination.myDestination2 =
destination.myDestination3 =


If you want to send to the exchange, regardless of the bound queues, then don't specify a queue.

destination.myDestination1 = BURL:direct://ex_text1/rk_test1/

If you specify the queue name, somewhere along the line RabbitMQ expects a queue of that name to be pre-bound to the exchange or it drops the message with an error. So the queue name shouldn't be used for sending messages, however, a routing key is expected (even though this isn't clear from any of the Qpid, RabbitMQ, or AMQP docs). The RabbitMQ web management interface is really helpful as it will also show you connections, channels, and queue consumers.

Hope that helps,

My Java code is:

System.setProperty("qpid.amqp.version", "0-91");
*System.setProperty("qpid.dest_**syntax", "BURL");*
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (ConnectionFactory)
Connection connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();
Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage("Hello world - DESTINATION
BURL !!");
Destination destination = (Destination)
context.lookup("myJndiDirectDestination1"); // tested with 1, 2 and
MessageProducer messageProducerD = session.createProducer(destination);


Here, my custom exchange is "ex_test1" and I have used different values for
routing keys.
I have to created previously the exchange (ex_test1) with different routing
keys, for example:

binding-a) ex_test1 ~> rk_test1 ~> q_test1
binding-b) ex_test1 ~> empty ~> q_test1
binding-c) ex_test1 ~> q_test1 ~> q_test1
binding-d) amq.direct ~> q_test1 ~> q_test1
binding-e) amq.direct ~> rk_test1 ~> q_test1

When running this code, no errors are shown, only *binding-d* and
*binding-e* work and the message is published in RabbitMQ.

They have in the header thw following:

Exchange :   amq.direct
headers:     JMS_QPID_DESTTYPE:    1

What is the correct definition of DESTINATION using custom exchange?


-- wr

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