Thanks Nathan for your information.

I tried with:

destination.myDest1 = BURL:direct://ex_test1/rk_test1/

.. but I have not get to publish message in RabbitMQ queue.

When I use the below destinations, using ** exchange (internal
and default exchanges in rabbitmq), I can publish messages in the queue

destination.myDest2 = BURL:direct://
                  (publish msg w/ routingkey=q_test1)
destination.myDest3 =
BURL:direct://amq.direc/q_test1/q_test1                         (publish
msg w/ routingkey=q_test1)
destination.myDest4 =
BURL:direct://amq.direc//q_test1?routingkey='rk_test1'    (publish msg w/
destination.myDest5 = BURL:direct://'rk_test1'
         (publish msg w/ routingkey=rk_test1)

...but i would try with this custom preconfigured exchange (ex_test1).

any idea will be welcome.


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