Firstly, 0.28 is quite old now - I would recommend updating to v6.0.1 if
you can.

Secondly I'm not sure I understand your question - are you asking about
overriding particular properties, or the storage format for the broker
configuration - these are two different things.  In terms of properties /
context overrides this can be specified using a properties file (at least
in v6 - I forget exactly how it worked on 0.28).  In terms of the
configuration, JSON is currently the only text based format supported.  You
can use a database for the broker config storage, there are built in
mechanisms to support Derby, BDB, and generic JDBC config stores.

May I ask what advantage you would get by using YAML or properties files
instead of JSON?

-- Rob

On 7 April 2016 at 22:43, rammohan ganapavarapu <>

> Hi,
> Is there any way to start qpid-java-0.28 broker using .properties file or
> .xml or .yaml file instead of .json file? or what are the other ways to
> pass override properties instead of JSON config file?
> Thanks,
> Ram

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