On 28 June 2016 at 17:00, Dale Green <green.dale1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi people,
> I have a problem using Qpid JMS 0.9 with Service Bus.
> The use case is the following:
> I want to create a connection, session, and a queue consumer and receive 0
> or 1 messages within a given timeout. That is, receive(timeout) is called
> only once. Immediately after that, the session and the connection are
> closed.
> The problem is:
> The consumer may receive multiple messages during its lifetime (which the
> client code doesn't even see, because receive is called only once). For
> Service Bus, all this means peek-and-lock, so the messages that were sent
> to the Qpid client are locked for the time set in the "Lock Duration"
> property of the queue (default value is 30s/60s, Azure/Windows), and
> therefore they are unavailable for other Qpid consumers for a certain
> period of time. I would expect that something like the method Abandon()
> from the C# API should happen on session close.
> So:
> Is this a bug, feature, or I need to configure/call something in a
> different way?
> Thanks!

My guess is that ServiceBus is not taking the consumers implicit
detachment when the session ends as reason to release the messages.
Perhaps try explicitly closing the MessageConsumer (I'm taking your
text above literally, such that you arent doing so currently) to see
if that prods it into doing so?

Another thing you could to help is if you know you want at most 1
message is to only give 1 message credit at a time (setting the
prefetch config to 1 or 0...though the earlier server issue you ran
into around 'drain' behaviour may mean this doesnt work so well)


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