Everything is the same… except for the version of qpid ;-)

It may be that the Ubuntu version doesn’t support AMQP 1.0 and that’s what 
ActiveMQ is asking for. Qpid is responding with 0-10.


> On Jul 12, 2017, at 12:55 PM, Matt Singman <matt.sing...@indepth.com> wrote:
> I have a QPID daemon running inside of a Docker container. I have C++ code 
> that should connect to this daemon, and in the past, it was able to, but it 
> suddenly stopped being able to connect when the C++ code was run on the host 
> machine.
> Trying to connect to the daemon on the container from the host throws a 
> qpid::messaging::TransportFailure expection. When I launch qpidd with -t for 
> trace level logging, I see the following each time a connection is attempted:
> 2017-07-12 15:59:33 debug RECV []: INIT(0-0)
> 2017-07-12 15:59:33 debug SENT []: INIT(0-10)
> I would guess that this has something to do with the ActiveMQ protocol, but I 
> am not sure.
> I don't think the fault lies with the code, because the exact same code 
> running on the same container as the broker is able to connect to the QPID 
> broker. I know that the daemon is visible from the host machine because curl 
> finds the daemon
> Why can I not connect to the daemon from the host, even though I can from the 
> container that the daemon is running in?
> It may be worth noting that the versions of QPID on the host are different 
> than the container. The host has the latest version on CentOS 7 (1.36.0) 
> while the container has the latest version on Ubuntu 16.04 (0.16).
> Thanks
> Matt

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