
Our consumer client version is 1.37:

   bash 0 3: rpm -qa | grep -i qpid

Our producer client version is 6.1.5:
    -rw-r--r--    1 NSDA.NSDA          NSDA      570873 Jul 26 15:42 
    -rw-r--r--    1 NSDA.NSDA          NSDA      864493 Jul 26 15:42 

Both producer and consumer clients use AMQP_0_10 protocol.

Thanks for your assistance,

FYI - There may be a typo on the past releases web page.  I believe "2017" 
should be "2018" in "Qpid JMS AMQP 0-x 6.3.2, July 2017".  URL:

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Godfrey [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2018 5:57 PM
Cc: Mears, David B <>; Herren, Elaine 
<>; Rao, Shobha (NonStop) <>
Subject: Re: Java Broker (7.0.6) stops delivering queue/consumer messages after 
4 GB data transfer

Hi Mike,

On Fri, 3 Aug 2018 at 01:25, Dyslin, Mike <> wrote:

> This is my first submit to this email group.  Hopefully this is the 
> correct place to post this problem.
This is exactly the right place to post this problem.

> We are running a continuous stream of message (about 5K each) from 
> producer to consumer over a single java broker queue at a rate of 
> about 600 messages/second.  Outbound message flow stops after 
> transferring 4 GB of message data (about 770,000 messages in 25 
> minutes).  The Web Management Console page for our consumer connection shows 
> the total "Outbound Bytes"
> growing steadily until it reaches 4.0 GB and stops with "Last I/O time"
> unchanging thereafter.
> After outbound messages stop:
> Inbound messages continue on the producer connection (well past 4.0 
> GB) and are kept in the queue until they expire with a time-to-live 
> value of 3 minutes.  The queue grows until is stabilizes with a steady 
> 600 m/s inbound, and 600 m/s expiring and being deleted from the queue 
> (as expected).  The Web Management Console shows that the consumer 
> connection remains open and is a consumer on the queue, and the queue 
> shows the connection as a consumer on the queue.
> If I run the exact same test replacing the Java Broker with a C++ 
> broker (1.37.0), message flow continues well past the 4 GB barrier.  I 
> kept it running for about 17 hours reaching about 37 million messages, 
> about 180 GB data transferred on the queue.
> Since the only difference seems to be the broker, this seems to point 
> to a problem with the Java Broker, and not issues with our producer, 
> consumer or network issues.  Could there be some problem with our java 
> broker configuration that would explain this behaviour?

Unfortunately this sounds like it may be a bug in the Java Broker :-(

> Has anyone out there experienced more than 4 GB of outbound data on a 
> single java broker connection or queue?
Can you confirm which client you are using, and which version of AMQP is in use 
(as you have identified I don't expect this to be a client problem, but knowing 
the client will help us track down the issue in the broker)?

> Any help would be appreciated.
> Other comments/observations:
> I do not know if the 4 GB barrier is associated with the connection 
> and/or the queue because all our message traffic is over one consumer 
> connection and one queue.  I could determine this by changing our 
> consumer code to spread message traffic over one connection and multiple 
> queues.

We are using the heartbeat feature with a 5 minute timeout.  Since the
> connection stays open beyond the 5 minute timeout after the messages 
> stop, I assume the heartbeat messages are still being sent between 
> consumer and broker, indicating that the consumer and broker are able 
> to communicate over the socket.  It has been awhile since I have 
> tested that the heartbeat feature is working correctly.
> If I close the consumer connection from the Web Management Console, 
> the broker deletes the queue (I believe) and our consumer detects the 
> closed connection, establishes a new connection and new queue, and 
> messages start flowing again until . . . we reach the 4 GB barrier and 
> messages stop being delivered once again.
> We have run with the Java Broker on both Linux (RHEL 7.4) and 
> proprietary NonStop POSIX platform with the same results.  
> Unfortunately, the C++ broker is not yet an option on the NonStop 
> POSIX platform where we require the broker to be.
Hopefully we can quickly track down the issue in the Java Broker and push out a 

> Thanks,
> Mike
Apologies you've run into this issue,

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