This still looks like a normal receive scenario to me.  Since you've
created the queue using the REST API, all you need to do is use the name of
the queue in your client code:
self.address here would be the name of your queue

The main Proton example for this has the same thing, but it's part of a URL:
The path part of self.url would be the name of your queue

There is no need to create a distinct, explicitly named local queue with
Proton.  The library provides that through its API.

Related docs:

On Fri, Jun 7, 2019 at 3:47 PM MattR <> wrote:

> My apologies for lacking detail. I'm certainly not trying to make anything
> more complicated than I need to.
> From my understanding, there is no way to create a queue from the client.
> However, with Broker-J, if trying to subscribe to a non-existent queue,
> then
> Broker-J will create one for you; albeit with a mangled name for the queue
> (e.g. qpidsub_/ID:....). The mangled name was my problem as I needed the
> name to match the binding key so as to prevent unnecessary extra queues
> (i.e. a queue with name "test_queue" could be found in the
> exchange with destination and bindingKey both set to "test_queue"). I have
> gotten around this by simply utilizing the REST api to create the queue and
> exchange binding on the fly (based on our current code, this used to be
> possible using the old Python Qpid api's session.declare_queue and
> session.exchange_bind, respectively).
> My issue now is that I, essentially, need to be able to do the following in
> Proton:
> # Declare a local queue to which we subscribe the reply-to queue
> localQueueName = "producerLocalQueue_" +
> localQueue = session.incoming(localQueueName)
> session.message_subscribe(queue=replyQueueName,
>                           destination=localQueueName)
> localQueue.start()
> (ref:
> I can't seem to figure out how to mimic the message_subscribe behavior. Is
> that simply creating another receiver passing the reply queue as the source
> and local queue as the target or name?
> I apologize in advance if I'm making this over complicated or missing
> something from the docs/api that explain this.
> Thanks,
> Matt R.
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