Thanks for the fast response.  I spent a good part of the afternoon looking
into the whole flow control system to understand better given what you had

I am using the Python client as my receivers and the C++ API as my senders
who each synchronously send on their own threads as fast as possible.

I dug a little deeper and found the Python client starts off receivers with
10 credits as the default since I have not taken credits into account for
anything I've done so far.  I am having an assumption here that increasing
the number will increase my throughput, but I think I still lack some
general understanding here.

If I have multiple receivers subscribed to a given topic and they each have
some X amount of credits, how does the sender account for this when sending? 
Some receivers could be slower in replenishing credits than others and the
sender only sends to the topic and has no idea how many receivers there are. 
After further looking at the examples and AMQP 1.0 spec, it doesn't seem
like I have much ability at all to control credits from the sender side at
all.  Do you have anything I can look at to learn more about the flow
control feature?


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