On Fri, 10 Jul 2020 at 16:54, Gordon Sim <g...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 10/07/2020 4:03 pm, tomt wrote:
> > Thanks for the fast response.  I spent a good part of the afternoon looking
> > into the whole flow control system to understand better given what you had
> > asked.
> >
> > I am using the Python client as my receivers and the C++ API as my senders
> > who each synchronously send on their own threads as fast as possible.
> Which c++ API? proton? And when you say 'synchronously' what do you mean
> exactly? Are you waiting for the acknowledgement of one message before
> sending the next?
> The python client is by far the slowest, though I am still surprised by
> your numbers there. I would expect better even from python, especially
> if there are more than one of them (or are they each getting all the
> messages?).
> > I dug a little deeper and found the Python client starts off receivers with
> > 10 credits as the default since I have not taken credits into account for
> > anything I've done so far.  I am having an assumption here that increasing
> > the number will increase my throughput, but I think I still lack some
> > general understanding here.
> A window of 10 is not terrible but I would expect you to get better
> numbers if you increase it to 100 or 250 (probably won't make much
> difference above that).
> >
> > If I have multiple receivers subscribed to a given topic and they each have
> > some X amount of credits, how does the sender account for this when sending?
> > Some receivers could be slower in replenishing credits than others and the
> > sender only sends to the topic and has no idea how many receivers there are.
> > After further looking at the examples and AMQP 1.0 spec, it doesn't seem
> > like I have much ability at all to control credits from the sender side at
> > all.  Do you have anything I can look at to learn more about the flow
> > control feature?
> Credit is always issued by the process receiving messages. So for the
> senders, it is the router or the broker that will grant them credit. The
> broker and the router behave in quite different ways, but as you are
> seeing the same low rate in each case I don't think it is the server
> side that is the issue.

I read the original message as being not an either/or case of broker
and router, but the setup always having both? Again points to some
more detail on how things are configured being useful.

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