On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 6:00 AM Petrenko, Vadim <vadim.petre...@ns.nl>

> Hi Robbie,
> Yes, my question was about the qpid dispatch-router-only setup. Can we use
> topic wildcard subscriptions there (topic1.*)?
> I used ActiveMQ as an example of desired functionality. We could
> eventually introduce brokers in this picture, but prefer to avoid this and
> have a qpid dispatch-router mesh only, to stay as lean as possible.
> The configuration is quite simple, it's a test setup:
> Edge publisher (address section):
> address {
>     prefix: my_queue
>     waypoint: yes
>     distribution: multicast
> }
> Edge consumer (address section):
> address {
>     prefix: my_queue
>     waypoint: yes
>     distribution: multicast
> }
> Interior routers have only connectors and listeners defined, there are no
> linkRoutes or autolinks in this config. All this works perfectly with
> qpid-jms examples. The only question is whether we can use wildcard
> subscriptions ;)
Unfortunately the dispatch router does not support subscriptions to
wildcarded addresses.  Address patterns (wildcards) are only used for
address configuration - setting address attributes such as distribution
treatment, priority, etc.

> Thanks,
> Vadim.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robbie Gemmell <robbie.gemm...@gmail.com>
> Sent: dinsdag 13 oktober 2020 11:17
> To: users@qpid.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Qpid topic wildcard aggregation
> You mentioned ActiveMQ, was that just in relation to its particular syntax
> or are you also using the broker with the routers? Essentially, can you
> clarify if the setup is router-only or not? What are your address[ +
> linkRoute + autoLink] settings like generally on the routers currently?
> That might help someone with more knowledge answer better.
> (I think the answer is that the router does not support 'topic like'
> wildcard subscriptions on its own directly, but could perhaps together
> with a broker that does)
> On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 at 15:44, Petrenko, Vadim <vadim.petre...@ns.nl>
> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Qpid developers,
> >
> > We have a mesh of interior routers with an incoming edge router and an
> outgoing edge router.
> > We would like to send messages to several different topics on the
> incoming edge router, e.g.:
> >
> > topic1.sensor1
> > topic1.sensor2
> > topic1.sensor3
> >
> > And then consume messages from all sensors using wildcards in the
> > topic name on the outgoing edge router, e.g.: topic1.* So that a single
> receiver would receive all messages sent to the above 3 topics.
> >
> > We have tried different combinations, like # instead of * and other
> possibilities existing in ActiveMQ, but to no avail.
> >
> > Is this something Qpid supports? I’ve seen a section in the docs about
> using wildcards, but it looks more related to configuring routers.
> > Could you please clarify this?
> >
> > Thank you in advance.
> >
> >
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