Ah damn ..... Yes cool, it's works fine with activemq. Thanks a lot. If I replace activemq by qpidd, the topic is not there (not write in the config file), so qpid send "amqp:not-found: Node not found: topic://examples" In qpid messaging, we can set "{create: always}" when we create a receiver, but just with qpid::proton api how can we do that?
Thanks a lot for these help From: Millieret, Xavier Sent: lundi 6 septembre 2021 12:00 To: 'users@qpid.apache.org' <users@qpid.apache.org> Subject: RE: Publish, subscibe Hi Robbie, Thx a lot for your answer, and help. You right, I miss some information about my issue. So I use qpid-proton, with cpp binding, the 0.34 release. I am on linux Debian 10 I used activemq and activate amqp pluging with the following line: <transportConnector name="amqp" uri="amqp://"/> So I try to use the equipage sample, and unfortunately, I can publish a message, but if I launch two receiver like this: ./topic-receive amqp:// topic:://examples 10 And I publish a message like this: ./topic-send amqp:// topic:://examples myMessage Unfortunately, I received the message but just for one receiver, and not for the both!!!! Regrads From: Millieret, Xavier Sent: vendredi 3 septembre 2021 17:24 To: 'users@qpid.apache.org' <users@qpid.apache.org<mailto:users@qpid.apache.org>> Subject: Publish, subscibe Dear all, I am writing an amqp client above to Qpid proton 0.35. I would like to write a simple subscriber for a topic name! I don't found, or see, any samples on it on qpid-proton samples? I read than to do that we must set the routing type to multicast, I don't know how to do that, or see any samples on it! Any help will be appreciate. Regards Xavier Millieret ________________________________ Eaton Industries (France) S.A.S ~ Si?ge social: 110 Rue Blaise Pascal, Immeuble Le Vis?o - B?timent A Innovall?e, 38330, Montbonnot-St.-Martin, France ~ Lieu d'enregistrement au registre du commerce: Grenoble ~ Num?ro d'enregistrement: 509 653 176 ~ Capital social souscrit et liber?:EUR 16215441 ~ Num?ro de TVA: FR47509653176 ________________________________