You essentially answered your question while asking it, it is of course more efficient to retain resources (connection as you said, but also the session and any sender/receiver) and reuse them if you can.
On Tue, 7 Sept 2021 at 13:12, Millieret, Xavier <> wrote: > > Hi all, > > I am currently doing a library above qpid-proton in cpp (0.34). > This library must offer 2 patterns, request/reply, and publish/subscribe. > > I play with all samples provided by qpid-proton cpp/examples/.... > > And my question is: > > * Is the best way, is: building a class who extend > proton::messaging_handler, building a container with this class, run it, and > after do all stuff with it (so the container and the class is shared inside > my library) ? > * Or each time when I want to send a message on a queue or on an topic, I > must build the class runt it, through a new container, and destroy it, just > after than the job is done. > > > > I know with some others libraries (JMS, Mqtt), the best way is keep a > connection alive, and building sessions (from this connection) to send > message on a queue or on topic. > > > > So my question is, how to use qpid-proton library to be as efficient as > possible. > > Best regards > > Xavier Millieret > > > > ________________________________ > Eaton Industries (France) S.A.S ~ Si?ge social: 110 Rue Blaise Pascal, > Immeuble Le Vis?o - B?timent A Innovall?e, 38330, Montbonnot-St.-Martin, > France ~ Lieu d'enregistrement au registre du commerce: Grenoble ~ Num?ro > d'enregistrement: 509 653 176 ~ Capital social souscrit et liber?:EUR > 16215441 ~ Num?ro de TVA: FR47509653176 > > ________________________________ > > --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: