I also tried writing some kind of an IRC library for Racket (inspired
by http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/irc), but I got
distracted/bored/whatnot so I did not finish it.


2011/8/6 Neil Van Dyke <n...@neilvandyke.org>:
> Danny Yoo wrote at 08/06/2011 02:08 AM:
>>    http://hashcollision.org/racket-slices/irc-parsing/index.html
> Tutorials like this can certainly help attract new people and get them
> started.
> Perhaps pick a more inspiring hunk of IRC dialogue to use as an example, so
> as not to demotivate with the impression that IRC is futile?
> And if you're going to use real-world IRC dialogue for this tutorial and/or
> other purposes, I suspect you want to anonymize it, lest your human subjects
> board gets all up in your business.  (Although that "neilv" fellow is
> strikingly handsome.)
> BTW, I suspect someone will find this in Google when they're trying to talk
> with an IRC server from Racket, and be disappointed that this is only about
> parsing a particular log format.  I think that there is some IRC client code
> for Racket, not necessarily released.  I think I've seen a Racket-based bot
> online, perhaps by Eli.  And I wrote an (unreleased) IRC bot in Scheme in
> 2001, which supported DCC transfers and corrected people's spelling.  So
> that Googling person should ask around when the time comes.
> --
> http://www.neilvandyke.org/
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