Your milage may vary, but I actually found that my code improved when I was 
forced to convert ArrayCollection to ArrayList. Some cases did not really need 
collections at all, and I did not really use ArrayCollection features anywhere. 
Being forced to use getItem() rather than indexes made the code clearer. The 
only issue I had was getting rid of uses of refresh() (which caused me to 
optimize some things) and replacing Sort with native Array sorting (which is 
also not a bad thing).

None of the cases where I had ResultEvent and FaultEvent really made a lot of 
sense to keep that logic in Royale (events should generally be of type Event), 
so keeping those events would just mask places where code should probably be 

What I did while migrating my code was create dummy classes for these events 
(with constants). This allowed me to analyze where they where being used while 
eliminating compiler errors.

My $0.02,

> On Feb 15, 2018, at 11:38 AM, Carlos Rovira <> wrote:
> Hi Piotr,
> I considered that scenario, but the fact that this classes (ArrayCollection, 
> ResultEvent and Fault Event), are so close to Flex and to what all people out 
> there like us did to build their Apps, ends make me think that this is our 
> task to make this as easy as possible. We are not talking here of a flex 
> third party component or class that some people was using. We are talking of 
> some core framework classes that are present in almost all Flex apps.
> So if we want to ease migration of flex to royale, this is a huge point to 
> consider since it will be lots of DTOs (or VOs or value objects or POJOs) out 
> there that can be copied without any modification, and the same for 
> Controllers that works with HTTPService, RemoteObject or WebService 
> well lots os BusinessDelegates, and other classes that are close 
> to the server communication part of the Royale client code.
> If we don't create counterparts those means lots of changes in code bases and 
> not only recreate UI-UX with mxml and new UI sets...
> So I think this is important not for concrete users, but for Royale as a 
> project that has an important task in make as easy as we can ports from Flex 
> to Royale.
> 2018-02-15 10:30 GMT+01:00 Piotr Zarzycki < 
> <>>:
> Carlos,
> I believe it is the matter of trying. Harbs did try and replace his 
> ArrayCollection without the problem with ArrayList. I did try it with some 
> demo apps and it went well. If you start your migration and face a wall - it 
> doesn't have to end up with solution where you adding some things to Royale. 
> You can always implement ArrayCollection in your application and use it. 
> My thought is that not everything need to be part of Royale.  :)
> Thanks, Piotr
> 2018-02-15 10:25 GMT+01:00 Carlos Rovira < 
> <>>:
> Hi Harbs,
> mostly agree but for me ArrayCollection, FaultEvent and ResultEvent are very 
> close to the business logic we don't want to migrate or try to left 
> untouched. 
> I think that three classes should have Royale counterparts to reduce 
> migration pain.
> I'm talking more from a user role or someone that wants in the end make the 
> same Alina is doing with our Avant2 app at Codeoscopic
> thanks
> 2018-02-15 10:15 GMT+01:00 Gabe Harbs < 
> <>>:
> CloseEvent,FaultEvent and ResultEvent are not really needed in Royale. Royale 
> takes a much more “laid back” approach to Events and only creates new Event 
> classes when they are absolutely needed.
> 99% if the uses of ArrayCollection can be replaced with ArrayList which 
> exists in Royale.
> Sort and SortField do not exist, but I’ve found that I was able to replace my 
> uses with a simple Array sort.
> For Alert, you can either use Alert or SimpleAlert. Another option is an MDL 
> Dialog.
> StringUtil is a direct port from mx. The functions in StringUtil will 
> gradually be deprecated in favor of package level functions.
> Make sure you really need PopUpManager. Like was already mentioned, you can 
> probably just use addElement().
> HTH,
> Harbs
>> On Feb 15, 2018, at 9:06 AM, Alina Kazi < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have replaced few imports in Apache Royale Project after comparison in 
>> terms of functionality.
>> As you all are more familiar to Flex and Apache Royale. 
>> Are these correct substitutes?
>> import org.apache.royale.html.Alert; //instead of import mx.controls.Alert;
>> import; // instead of import 
>> import; // instead of import 
>> import; //instead of import 
>> import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; //very similar to 
>> org.apache.royale.collections.TreeData
>> import mx.collections.Sort; // No Alternate found
>> import mx.collections.SortField;// No Alternate found
>> import mx.managers.PopUpManager; //org.apache.royale.core.IPopUp or 
>> .IPopUpHost
>> import org.apache.royale.utils.StringUtil;// instead of import 
>> mx.utils.StringUtil;
>> Reference: 
>> <>
>> Thanks,
>> Alina Kazi
> -- 
> Carlos Rovira
> <>
> -- 
> Piotr Zarzycki 
> Patreon: 
> <>
> -- 
> Carlos Rovira
> <>

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