Hello Carlos.

The destinations for WebORB are defined in a different config file.  I'll
upload that file for you too see.  I use the GenericDestination because its
a wild card and doesn't require me to specify any namespaces.


   <destination id="GenericDestination">

I'll take some time to test various settings in the remoting-config file and
see if i get a different response.

The initRemoting click event does call the following code
                        protected function initRemoting():void 

Its a simple request that returns an array.  From what i can tell in the
WebORB logs is that the request coming in from RemoteObject or
SimpleRemoteObject is not being parsed correctly.  It doesn't matter what i
put in for the source, destination properties it still results in... 

PM:cannot parse request. possible reasons: malformed request or protocol
formatter is not registered 

Thank you for your continued attention with this issue.


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