1. Flash offers runtime type checking which helps catch bugs. 
This means that I can target JS and quickly switch to SWF just for debug ?
Can't I debug now directly on VS Code + Royale JS ?
I saw something on twitter that currently it's possible to debug from JS but
I could be mistaken however seems that is specific for VS Code.

2. By keeping the SWF target, it forces development of the framework to be
technology-agnostic as much as possible. This means that if we decide we
want a native android or iOS target (for example), it will be much easier to
Do you mean, support both SWF and JS at the same time, keep the focus on
technology-agnostic and do not fall on JS specific things ?

3. There are those who will want an AIR target. 
OK, perhaps.
For Flex and Flash there is not alternative besides AIR.
For Royale does not make sense "for me" with Eletron for Desktop and Cordova
for Mobile and the continuous fear about AIR future but different minds.

Any way, thank you for your answers.
On my case I will use JS only.

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