It should be possible to emulate Cairngorm similar to how the MXRoyale and 
SparkRoyale components emulate the Flex MX and Spark components.  The source 
code appears to still be on SourceForge

I don’t have time to work on emulating Cairngorm right now.  You could do it, 
or hire someone to do it.


From: Takeshita Shoichiro <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Friday, October 11, 2019 at 10:39 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Cairngorm framework

Alex, thanks.

Appreciate to every one to respond to my question in this thread.
Our Flex application uses Cairngorm framework, which means Cairngorm.swc is 
included in lib.

I think it will not work without Flash.  Is there any solution to work Flex 
code that uses Cairngorm with Apache Royale?

Appreciate any advice in advance.

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