Hi Maria,

Flex was richer and heavier, and had lots of features built in just in case 
someone might need them. In Royale we stress a Pay As You Go philosophy which 
means your application should contain less code that you are not using. This 
means there will be less events and attributes out of the box. If you are 
porting a Flex application or are just looking for a more Flex like experience 
you might want to take look at the Royale mx/spark components. Most of the APIs 
you mentioned should work there out of the box.

If you want to write a new application using Jewel then you’ll have to work a 
bit differently. So regarding events: ‘enter’ is not implemented, ‘show’ and 
‘hide’ are, and ‘creationComplete’ can probably be replaced with ‘initComplete’ 
if it’s a container. We don’t have FlexMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN_OUTSIDE, but you 
can take a look at this bead [1] to understand how you can implement this 
behavior in your app.

The horizontal layout issue I’m not sure about, maybe Carlos has an idea. You 
could also try inspecting the css to see why it’s not working and file a bug.

Hope this helps,


From: Maria Jose Esteve<mailto:mjest...@iest.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2020 9:19 PM
To: users@royale.apache.org<mailto:users@royale.apache.org>
Subject: Event and positioning list jewel

Hi, as many of us come from Flex and I'm used to using events like "enter" 
"show" "hide" "creationcomplete" ...
I am working with the jewel components, which I love, but it is difficult for 
me to understand the new way of working, with Royale (beads, strand ...) For 
example, I have a List that I open when I click on an image and the I want to 
close if you click "outside" but I can't get it ... I only manage to close it 
if I select an item.
Another problem I have is that I cannot position the list "above the button, it 
is always positioned vertically centered, maybe it has to do with what is 
inside the FooterBar ... can you give me a hand?

Some catch:
a) General display:


b) For you to see the elements in the list I have established a horizontal 

<j:BarSection itemsHorizontalAlign="itemsLeft">
                <j:HGroup gap="20" visible="true" visible.error="false" 
visible.init="false" visible.exit="false" visible.noinit="false">
                    <j:List id="dropDownList_LanManager" visible="false" 
style="color: #00000;"
dataProvider="{langModel.list}"  labelField="label"
                     change="lanManager_change(event)" >
                            <j:HorizontalLayout itemsExpand="true" />
                            <!-- <j:RequireSelection 
                    <j:Image id="langImage" visible="true" 


c) This is displayed with the vertical layout: (observe that it is cut in the 
4th item)


Any help will be welcome.
Thank you very much to all.

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