Hi Maria Jose,

For the Image/List need: related to what Yishay said, there're similar code
in Jewel ComboBox and PopUp components, although, I think we'll need to do
some new component that shows a Button and clicking on it open another user
defined component and manages the "click outside" behavior. Let's call it
"PopUpButton" to refer to it. I think it could be very useful since seems
it could be use a lot, and that we'll make a cleaner use in apps with a
well defined API.

 For the List layout problem, I'll need more data. Can you post a simple
code where I can find the problem? posting it here, or creating a gihub
issue will make it more easy to understand the problem and try to find a


El lun., 13 ene. 2020 a las 11:10, Maria Jose Esteve (<mjest...@iest.com>)

> Hi Yishay,
> Thanks for answering.
> I know that I have to adapt to PAYG, I only need a little more time and
> work but "I will get it": P
> I will look at the example of HideComboPopup that you indicate and I will
> tell you how it goes ...
> As for the design, the truth is that what I had thought was a "vertical"
> design ... I was debugging the CSS but I have not managed to recognize what
> property makes the list cut, it must be an inherited property, I imagine
> that foother I will continue researching and I will tell you more.
> Thanks Yishay.
> Hiedra
> *De:* yishayw [via Apache Royale Users] <ml+s20374n319...@n8.nabble.com>
> *Enviado el:* lunes, 13 de enero de 2020 10:40
> *Para:* Maria Jose Esteve <mjest...@iest.com>
> *Asunto:* RE: Event and positioning list jewel
> Hi Maria,
> Flex was richer and heavier, and had lots of features built in just in
> case someone might need them. In Royale we stress a Pay As You Go
> philosophy which means your application should contain less code that you
> are not using. This means there will be less events and attributes out of
> the box. If you are porting a Flex application or are just looking for a
> more Flex like experience you might want to take look at the Royale
> mx/spark components. Most of the APIs you mentioned should work there out
> of the box.
> If you want to write a new application using Jewel then you’ll have to
> work a bit differently. So regarding events: ‘enter’ is not implemented,
> ‘show’ and ‘hide’ are, and ‘creationComplete’ can probably be replaced with
> ‘initComplete’ if it’s a container. We don’t have
> FlexMouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN_OUTSIDE, but you can take a look at this bead [1]
> to understand how you can implement this behavior in your app.
> The horizontal layout issue I’m not sure about, maybe Carlos has an idea.
> You could also try inspecting the css to see why it’s not working and file
> a bug.
> Hope this helps,
> Yishay
> [1]
> https://github.com/apache/royale-asjs/blob/develop/frameworks/projects/Basic/src/main/royale/org/apache/royale/html/beads/HideComboPopupOnMouseDownBead.as
> *From: *[hidden email]
> <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3191&i=0>
> *Sent: *Sunday, January 12, 2020 9:19 PM
> *To: *[hidden email] <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3191&i=1>
> *Subject: *Event and positioning list jewel
> Hi, as many of us come from Flex and I'm used to using events like "enter"
> "show" "hide" "creationcomplete" ...
> I am working with the jewel components, which I love, but it is difficult
> for me to understand the new way of working, with Royale (beads, strand
> ...) For example, I have a List that I open when I click on an image and
> the I want to close if you click "outside" but I can't get it ... I only
> manage to close it if I select an item.
> Another problem I have is that I cannot position the list "above the
> button, it is always positioned vertically centered, maybe it has to do
> with what is inside the FooterBar ... can you give me a hand?
> Some catch:
> a) General display:
> [image: cid:image001.png@01D5C985.0BF003D0]
> b) For you to see the elements in the list I have established a horizontal
> layout:
> <j*:*BarSection itemsHorizontalAlign="itemsLeft">
>                 <j*:*HGroup gap="20" visible="true" visible.error="false"
> visible.init="false" visible.exit="false" visible.noinit="false">
>                     <j*:*List id="dropDownList_LanManager" visible="false"
>  style="color: #00000;"
>                      itemRenderer="ImageDopDownItemRenderer" dataProvider=
> "{langModel.list}"  labelField="label"
>                      change="lanManager_change(event)" >
>                        <j*:*beads>
>                             <j*:*HorizontalLayout itemsExpand="true" />
>                             <!--
> * <j:RequireSelection requireSelection="true"/>*-->
>                         </j*:*beads>
>                     </j*:*List>
>                     <j*:*Image id="langImage" visible="true" click=
> "lanImage_Click(event)"/>
>                 </j*:*HGroup>
>             </j*:*BarSection>
> [image: cid:image002.png@01D5C985.0BF003D0]
> c) This is displayed with the vertical layout: (observe that it is cut in
> the 4th item)
> [image: cid:image003.png@01D5C985.71C18940]
> Any help will be welcome.
> Thank you very much to all.
> Hiedra.
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Carlos Rovira

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