Thanks Greg, for the sponsor credits, and thanks Takeshita for the words :)

I know Cairngorm could be good for people wanting to migrate with the less
effort possible. Anyway, I recommend, if possible to try to switch to Crux.
We already did that several years ago in Flex, since all DI, IOC stuff,
make us be more efficient and increase options. For people creating new
apps, for me there's no doubt, for people migrating, should contemplate the
Crux option if they continue evolving the app with new features...

just my 2 :)


El jue., 6 feb. 2020 a las 5:28, Takeshita Shoichiro (<>)

> Greg, thanks for your clarification.  Anyway, it is  a great work.
> Carlos, thanks all the times.^_^
> 2020年2月6日(木) 13:22 Greg Dove <>:
>> Hi Takeshita,
>> Yes I think a few people have asked for Cairngorm or expressed interest
>> in it. Given the choice, I personally think Crux will be a more
>> modern/better option, but like I said, more people are asking for Cairngorm
>> now, so probably it makes sense to port that too.
>> I'm also pleased to hear that you are using Crux, I hope it's working
>> well for you. Please report any issues if you see them.
>> One small thing: I definitely understand that you were referring to the
>> work I did on porting it to Royale, but just for the sake of anyone else
>> who reads this: it's definitely not 'my Crux framework'. The code is ported
>> from Swiz, and credit for the awesome features it has rests with the
>> original authors of Swiz (I was in contact with the original developer
>> during my efforts to port it to Royale).
>> Also, just so people are aware, Carlos sponsored the majority of my work
>> on porting that, so you really have Carlos to thank for that.
>> cheers,
>> Greg
>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 5:04 PM Takeshita Shoichiro <>
>> wrote:
>>> Greg,
>>> Thanks for your work. We already have your Crux framework replacing
>>> Cairngorm, it is great if Cairngorm works with Royale.  It will save a
>>> plenty of time of emulation work.
>>> 2020年2月6日(木) 12:33 Greg Dove <>:
>>>> There does not appear to be a default property, like an array to put
>>>> the 'children' in. I think it just creates the children as instances and
>>>> makes sure they have id properties on the mxml-generated subclass that the
>>>> instances are assigned to.
>>>> The services are then identified and categorised by iterating the
>>>> accessors of the ServiceLocator subclass via reflection and checking their
>>>> types and then registering them.
>>>> Although it is and mxml instance of ServiceLocator, it is also an
>>>> enforced singleton which is accessed elsewhere from code. At least that is
>>>> how it appears to be set up to me.
>>>> I already took a look at the code and have made (not many) local
>>>> changes and have the Cairngorm swc compiling via maven for both js and swf.
>>>> I have not tested it. Things like weak event listeners are gone.
>>>> The main issue I think will be the Event.ADDED and Event.REMOVED for
>>>> ViewHelper automated register/unregister. Maybe we can have a
>>>> CaingormViewBase class with support for these, or perhaps we can use the
>>>> ADDED/REMOVED_FROM_STAGE emulation support that Crux uses, and that might
>>>> be all that is needed, but it may not always work the same.
>>>> I'll try to tidy it up and share it tomorrow. The licence is BSD and is
>>>> permissive (
>>>>  -
>>>> It seems to be to be similar to others like MIT etc, but I don't know
>>>> specifically what the rules are for Apache with that licence (in terms of
>>>> possibility to include in Royale itself).
>>>> On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 3:40 PM De Carli Gustavo <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Alex :
>>>>> In flex use the swc. I am seeing the same thing that you are
>>>>> commenting, I do not understand where it assigns the remote objects to the
>>>>> ServiceLocator. This would have to be added to the "services" attribute of
>>>>> the RemoteObjects class. I will try to assign by code without using the
>>>>> mxml to see if it does not generate the error "null0".
>>>>> El mié., 5 feb. 2020 a las 23:15, Alex Harui (<>)
>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>> I grabbed and was able to produce the null0
>>>>>> problem, but the cause is that ServiceLocator does not have a default
>>>>>> property.  Did your MXML work in Flex?  What ServiceLocator property 
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> be assigned the mx:RemoteObject?
>>>>>> -Alex
>>>>>> *From: *De Carli Gustavo <>
>>>>>> *Reply-To: *"" <>
>>>>>> *Date: *Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 12:00 PM
>>>>>> *To: *"" <>
>>>>>> *Subject: *Re: Cairngorm problem add remote object MXML.
>>>>>> I download
>>>>>> <>,
>>>>>> and change.
>>>>>> import flash.utils.describeType;
>>>>>>    --> import org.apache.royale.reflection.describeType;
>>>>>> import flash.utils.Dictionary;
>>>>>>    --> import org.apache.royale.utils.ObjectMap;
>>>>>> And this method
>>>>>> /**
>>>>>> * Return all the accessors on this object.
>>>>>> * @param serviceLocator the IServiceLocator instance.
>>>>>> * @return this object's accessors.
>>>>>> */
>>>>>> protected
>>>>>> function getAccessors(
>>>>>> serviceLocator : IServiceLocator ) :
>>>>>> XMLList
>>>>>> {
>>>>>> /*
>>>>>> var description : XML = describeType( serviceLocator );
>>>>>> var accessors : XMLList = description.accessor.( @access ==
>>>>>> "readwrite" ).@name;
>>>>>> return accessors;
>>>>>> */
>>>>>> return describeType( serviceLocator).accessors(@access ==
>>>>>> "readwrite" ).@name;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> El mié., 5 feb. 2020 a las 16:04, Alex Harui (<>)
>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>> Carlos, What Flash APIs is Cairngorm dependent on?
>>>>>> -Alex
>>>>>> *From: *Carlos Rovira <>
>>>>>> *Reply-To: *"" <>
>>>>>> *Date: *Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 10:05 AM
>>>>>> *To: *"" <>
>>>>>> *Subject: *Re: Cairngorm problem add remote object MXML.
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Cairngorm depends on Flash APIs, so make a Royale migration could be
>>>>>> not easy, or requires some expertise.
>>>>>> You can use Crux instead that has support for Cairngorm style
>>>>>> Commands. Crux is the same as Swiz Framework for Flex but rewritten to 
>>>>>> work
>>>>>> in Royale, and supports much more like dependency injection, Inversion of
>>>>>> control, event handling, ...
>>>>>> You have 3 examples in the examples/crux folder you can check.
>>>>>> I recommend you Crux over Cairngorm since Swiz was born to substitute
>>>>>> Cairngorm
>>>>>> El mié., 5 feb. 2020 a las 18:24, De Carli Gustavo (<
>>>>>>>) escribió:
>>>>>> Alex
>>>>>> <version>0.9.7-SNAPSHOT</version>
>>>>>> Thank
>>>>>> El mié., 5 feb. 2020 a las 14:02, Alex Harui (<>)
>>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>> What version of the compiler are you using?
>>>>>> What does the ServiceLocator source look like?  It might be an issue
>>>>>> with defaultProperties for non-DOM objects.
>>>>>> -Alex
>>>>>> *From: *De Carli Gustavo <>
>>>>>> *Reply-To: *"" <>
>>>>>> *Date: *Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 7:35 AM
>>>>>> *To: *"" <>
>>>>>> *Subject: *Cairngorm problem add remote object MXML.
>>>>>> I am trying to transcribe gairngorm, at runtime it gives me an error
>>>>>> in the construction of the ServiceLocator, I understand that it is an 
>>>>>> error
>>>>>> of the MXMLDataInterpreter. Anyone have any idea of the problem.
>>>>>> Thank
>>>>>> Gustavo.
>>>>>> *1. CODE *
>>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>>>>>> <cairngorm:ServiceLocator
>>>>>> xmlns:fx="
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> "
>>>>>> xmlns:mx="library://
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> "
>>>>>> xmlns:cairngorm="*">
>>>>>> <mx:RemoteObject
>>>>>> id="srvSeguridades"
>>>>>> destination="seguridades"
>>>>>> result="event.token.resultHandler(event)"
>>>>>> fault="event.token.faultHandler(event)"
>>>>>> endpoint="http://localhost:8080/messagebroker/amf"/>
>>>>>> </cairngorm:ServiceLocator>
>>>>>> *2. LINE OF ERROR (RED)*
>>>>>> /
>>>>>> **
>>>>>>  * @constructor
>>>>>>  * @extends {}
>>>>>>  */
>>>>>> services.Servicio = function() {
>>>>>>   services.Servicio.base(this, 'constructor');
>>>>>>   /**
>>>>>>    * @private
>>>>>>    * @type {mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject}
>>>>>>    */
>>>>>>   this.srvSeguridades_;
>>>>>>   /**
>>>>>>    * @private
>>>>>>    * @type {Array}
>>>>>>    */
>>>>>>   this.mxmldd;
>>>>>>   /**
>>>>>>    * @private
>>>>>>    * @type {Array}
>>>>>>    */
>>>>>>   this.mxmldp;
>>>>>>   this.generateMXMLAttributes
>>>>>>   ([1,
>>>>>> mx.rpc.remoting.mxml.RemoteObject,
>>>>>> 3,
>>>>>> 'id',
>>>>>> true,
>>>>>> 'srvSeguridades',
>>>>>> 'destination',
>>>>>> true,
>>>>>> 'seguridades',
>>>>>> 'endpoint',
>>>>>> true,
>>>>>> 'http://localhost:8080/messagebroker/amf',
>>>>>> 0,
>>>>>> 2,
>>>>>> 'result',
>>>>>> this.$EH0,
>>>>>> 'fault',
>>>>>> this.$EH1,
>>>>>> null0,   <- ERROR
>>>>>> 0
>>>>>>   ]);
>>>>>> };
>>>>>> 3. Trace  console log
>>>>>> Servicio.js:61 Uncaught ReferenceError: null0 is not defined
>>>>>>     at new services.Servicio (Servicio.js:61)
>>>>>>     at
>>>>>> (MXMLDataInterpreter.js:126)
>>>>>>     at
>>>>>> (MXMLDataInterpreter.js:271)
>>>>>>     at
>>>>>> (UIComponent.js:923)
>>>>>>     at (Container.js:136)
>>>>>>     at
>>>>>> (Application.js:122)
>>>>>>     at (UIComponent.js:871)
>>>>>>     at
>>>>>> (UIComponent.js:417)
>>>>>>     at (Container.js:123)
>>>>>>     at
>>>>>> (UIBase.js:402)
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Carlos Rovira
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> --
>>> Shoichiro Takeshita
>>> 武下 祥一郎
>> --
> Shoichiro Takeshita
> 武下 祥一郎

Carlos Rovira

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