Hi, from the user point of view, I care two things; stable SDK and no
functional differences of SDK among supported OS.  Differences of OS should
be managed by Build process.

By the way, I do not fully understand why two building systems are used.
In case of Java development, Maven is popular than Ant these days. As to
Flex, our build is Ant.  But now will change it to Maven.  This is another
story and would not be compared with Royale SDK build.

2020年3月27日(金) 22:40 Jasen Martin <jasen.mar...@gmail.com>:

> hi All
> Firstly, thankyou so much for everyone's effort, I know it has not been
> easy!
> I am no expert in either system. However, I do prefer using maven but have
> nothing against ant.
> What I am interested in is Royale moving forward with releases, what ever
> helps Royale release early and often appeals to me the most.
> Just my 2 cents worth.
> Thanks again to everyone!
> Jasen
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> <#m_-7612433385867325466_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 9:31 PM Andrew Wetmore <cottag...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I do not have the technical knowledge to provide an informed evaluation
>> at the build level, so I will try to look through the lens of outcomes:
>> what are we doing builds for?
>> Maybe right now a large proportion of Royale users are people who like to
>> tweak the source code and do their own builds locally. I do not think that
>> is a user group that can sustain this project or make a difference in the
>> world of application development. Our target audience is people who want a
>> stable build they can use to build their own applications. The faster we
>> can get stable builds out, the faster we can become available to that
>> audience. The faster our user community grows, the better Royale becomes:
>> the community exposes bugs, requests or provides emulations, creates
>> showcase-quality apps using Royale, encourages other people to give Royale
>> a try..
>> I have trouble keeping up with assertions that seem at odds with each
>> other: "Ant is the devil!" "No, Maven is evil!" And maybe I am missing
>> something crucial, but I seem to be reading that it is possible to build a
>> stable version of Royale that we can release via Maven, while still
>> providing support for anyone who wants to build using ant.
>> Is this so? Then why is that not the way to go?
>> A
>> On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 2:31 PM Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> if you care about this project, the PMC will need your help to know
>>> what's important to you about the "Release Process".
>>> Chris Dutz and I was working these days on release a new version. We
>>> finally give up due to the complexity of the process.
>>> The process involves to build in a CI Server with 13 steps and each one
>>> with some manual commands in CI server and in local machine. The process
>>> involves use Ant and Maven build systems, and that's what makes it so
>>> complicated.
>>> Maven is the the most widest and used build system for release as this
>>> statistics clearly states [1] and is perfectly prepared for CI servers and
>>> all the tooling needed nowadays for release process.
>>> Chris and I thinks that just using Maven can reduce the process to 2-3
>>> steps and release without much problem, and even release often (each month
>>> or each 2 months).
>>> So we're asking to not require Ant to be part of the release process,
>>> since we think is not needed.
>>> (This does NOT means remove Ant, we are talking just about release, and
>>> people using Ant will be able to continue using it as a build system, so
>>> don't be afraid about Ant support in the future!).
>>> We're afraid for this project due to this problem, so for this reason is
>>> important that you express what's important from your point of view as an
>>> Apache Royale user. So please express yourself in this thread and let us
>>> know what path should we take. It's important.
>>> We want to hear from you!
>>> Thanks community :)
>>> [1] https://twitter.com/ChristoferDutz/status/1240219399551934473
>>> --
>>> http://about.me/carlosrovira
>> --
>> Andrew Wetmore
>> http://cottage14.blogspot.com/
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Jasen Martin
> 0424 984 955
> ------------------------------------------------------------
Shoichiro Takeshita
武下 祥一郎

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