Hi Warren,

sorry to hear you gave up with that. We tried our best, but just can
respond based on your questions. Really don't know what's your target or
what you have in mind. Maybe if you share what you want to do we can give
you ideas on how to reach it.

El vie., 23 oct. 2020 a las 22:01, Koch (US), Warren R (<
warren.r.k...@boeing.com>) escribió:

> Thanks for the insight but I've given up on Jewel Lists for now.  I don't
> have time to figure it out and I for sure don't expect folks to code it for
> me.  If I can't move quickly from a Flex component to a Royale/Jewel
> component I'm abandoning it.  Without a roadmap from Flex features to BASIC
> or Jewel components/beads I can't get there
> *From:* Brian Raymes [mailto:brian.ray...@teotech.com]
> *Sent:* Friday, October 23, 2020 11:52 AM
> *To:* users@royale.apache.org
> *Subject:* Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Styling a Royale List
> This message was sent from outside of Boeing. Please do not click links or
> open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know that the content
> is safe.
> Hi Warren,
> Item Renderers and their layout are separate from the List. See the
> following example:
> List:
> <j:List localId="myList" y="180"  x="250" width="200"
> dataProvider="{simple2}" itemRenderer="path.to.itemRenderer">
>  <j:beads>
>   <j:ListPresentationModel rowHeight="13" variableRowHeight="false" />
>   </j:beads>
> </j:List>
> Item Renderer:
> <j:ListItemRenderer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009";
>     xmlns:js="library://ns.apache.org/royale/basic"
>     xmlns:j="library://ns.apache.org/royale/jewel">
>     <fx:Script>
>         <![CDATA[
>             [Bindable("dataChange")]
>             public function get myObject():SomeObject
>             {
>                 return data as SomeObject;
>             }
>         ]]>
>     </fx:Script>
>     <j:beads>
>         <js:ItemRendererDataBinding/>
>         <js:Paddings paddingLeft="3" paddingRight="3"
> paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0"/>
>         <j:VerticalLayout itemsHorizontalAlign="itemsCenter" />
>     </j:beads>
>     <j:Label text="{myObject.label}"/>
> </j:ListItemRenderer>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* wkoch <warren.r.k...@boeing.com>
> *Sent:* Friday, October 23, 2020 8:55 AM
> *To:* users@royale.apache.org <users@royale.apache.org>
> *Subject:* Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Styling a Royale List
> I tried.  And failed.  The padding bead worked but it only controls the
> padding around all the items in the list, not the items in the list.  I'm
> sure I have to do something in CSS but I don't know where.
> <j:List localId="myList" y="180"  x="250" width="200"
> dataProvider="{simple2}" >
>  <j:beads>
>   <j:ListPresentationModel rowHeight="13" variableRowHeight="false" />
>   <b:ItemRendererDataBinding/>
>   <b:Paddings paddingLeft="3" paddingRight="3" paddingTop="0"
> paddingBottom="0"/>
>   <j:VerticalLayout gap="0"/>
>   </j:beads>
> </j:List>
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-royale-users.20374.n8.nabble.com/

Carlos Rovira
Apache Member & Apache Royale PMC
*Apache Software Foundation*

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