Hi Warren,

great you get it working :), but I just added some more fixes for cases we
were not taking into account in List and ComboBox. In the
ListItemRendererInitializer, the logic was very simple and needed more work.

Trying to resume: Default renderer uses basic layout (position absolute),
so if there's a very reduced rowHeight and padding, the renderer can show
"cut", that's because of the default absolute positioning. I think that's
ok and to solve it you need to add a Horizontal or Vertical Layout so the
renderer does not use that kind of basic layout and use all the items

Maybe it is enough, but we'll take an overall look later to see if
something is left.

Another different case could be the SearchFilter that introduces some
<span> tags to make the decoration of labels while is filtering, I need to
look at it too.

Anyway I think we're getting to make it more robust and killing some bugs
we had :)

El lun., 26 oct. 2020 a las 19:59, Koch (US), Warren R (<
warren.r.k...@boeing.com>) escribió:

> I just realized I needed the renderer.  My error.  I added in the renderer
> and it works!  Can't thank you enough
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Koch (US), Warren R
> Sent: Monday, October 26, 2020 12:16 PM
> To: users@royale.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Styling a Royale List
> This message was sent from outside of Boeing. Please do not click links or
> open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know that the content
> is safe.
> I've been playing with List formatting.  Found something interesting – not
> sure where it's being controlled…..
> I have the font set at 11px.  when I have this code
> <j:List localId="ListJewel"  x="150" y="20" width="100"
> dataProvider="{simple1}" >
>   <j:beads>
>     <j:ListPresentationModel rowHeight="16" variableRowHeight="false" />
>     <js:ItemRendererDataBinding/>
>       <js:Paddings paddingLeft="3" paddingRight="3" paddingTop="3"
> paddingBottom="3"/>
>       <j:VerticalLayout gap="0"/>
>   </j:beads>
> </j:List>
> I get:
> <http://apache-royale-users.20374.n8.nabble.com/file/t177/list.jpg>
> looks like it is chopping it from the bottom.   I've tried putting
> itemsVerticalAlign="itemsTop" in the bead and the same in CSS
> (vertical-align=top;) but can't seem to move the text the "item".  I can
> live with it though if I increase the roweight to 20
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-royale-users.20374.n8.nabble.com/

Carlos Rovira
Apache Member & Apache Royale PMC
*Apache Software Foundation*

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