Hi Carlos,

That was it! Great. Thank you.


Does using js:ApplicationDataBinding  mean you dont have to use
js:ContainerDataBinding in any child containiers?

Why are there two different types of "binding" Beads? Wouldn't it be simple
with just one type?

Do we have documentation outlining all beads?



On Wed, 24 Feb 2021 at 17:33, Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi David,
> I thought anyone can paste there, sorry. Anyway, I think there's other
> sites where you can share code. For example github gist.
> Anyway following code works ok. Explanation: That mxml is Application, so
> you need to use "ApplicationDataBinding", sin ce it will affect all that
> mxml unit. Notice that I commented inner "js:ContainerDataBinding".
> If you separate the view to another file you must use in that mxml
> "ViewDataBinding" (but we have currently a bug there so instead you need to
> use ContainerDataBinding).
> Last, for any other mxml file use js:ContainerDataBinding
> <j:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009";
> xmlns:js="library://ns.apache.org/royale/basic"
> xmlns:j="library://ns.apache.org/royale/jewel"
> xmlns:html="library://ns.apache.org/royale/html">
> <j:beads>
> <js:ApplicationDataBinding/>
> </j:beads>
> <j:initialView>
> <j:ResponsiveView id="vMain" >
> <j:beads>
> <!-- <js:ContainerDataBinding/> -->
> </j:beads>
> <j:Drawer localId="drawer">
> <j:DrawerFooter localId="drawerFooter">
> <j:BarSection>
> <j:IconButton>
> <j:icon>
> <js:MaterialIcon text="{MaterialIconType.MENU}" />
> </j:icon>
> </j:IconButton>
> </j:BarSection>
> </j:DrawerFooter>
> </j:Drawer>
> </j:ResponsiveView>
> </j:initialView>
> </j:Application>
> Carlos
> El mar, 23 feb 2021 a las 9:37, David Slotemaker de Bruine (<
> dslotema...@vicensvives.com>) escribió:
>> Hi Carlos,
>> What user should I use? I can't see on the apache website how to create a
>> user.
>> I have reduced the example file greatly, I will paste it below:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>> <j:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009";
>>                xmlns:js="library://ns.apache.org/royale/basic"
>>                xmlns:j="library://ns.apache.org/royale/jewel"
>>                xmlns:html="library://ns.apache.org/royale/html"
>>               >
>>    <!--<fx:Style source="resources/app-styles.css"/>-->
>>     <fx:Script>
>> <![CDATA[
>> ]]>
>> </fx:Script>
>>      <j:beads>
>>       <js:ContainerDataBinding/>
>>      </j:beads>
>>      <j:valuesImpl>
>> <js:SimpleCSSValuesImpl />
>> </j:valuesImpl>
>>     <j:initialView>
>>         <j:ResponsiveView id="vMain" >
>>             <j:beads>
>>                 <js:ContainerDataBinding/>
>>         <j:ResponsiveResizeListener localId="resizer"/>
>>         <j:CleanValidationErrors/>
>>             </j:beads>
>>        <j:Drawer localId="drawer">
>>         <j:beads>
>>             <j:ResponsiveDrawer auto="true"/>
>>         </j:beads>
>>         <j:DrawerHeader height="66">
>> <j:Label text="Menu"/>
>>         </j:DrawerHeader>
>>         <j:DrawerContent>
>>         </j:DrawerContent>
>>         <j:DrawerFooter localId="drawerFooter">
>>             <j:BarSection>
>>                 <j:IconButton>
>>                     <j:icon>
>>                         <js:MaterialIcon text="feedback" />
>>                     </j:icon>
>>                 </j:IconButton>
>>             </j:BarSection>
>>         </j:DrawerFooter>
>>     </j:Drawer>
>> <j:TopAppBar localId="topappbar" fixed="true" hasDrawer="{drawer.fixed
>> &amp;&amp; drawer.isOpen}">
>>         <j:BarRow>
>>             <j:BarSection>
>>                 <j:IconButton click="drawer.isOpen ? drawer.close() :
>> drawer.open()">
>>                     <j:beads>
>>                         <j:ResponsiveVisibility desktopVisible="false"
>> wideScreenVisible="false" />
>>                     </j:beads>
>>                     <j:icon>
>>                         <js:MaterialIcon text="{MaterialIconType.MENU}" />
>>                     </j:icon>
>>                 </j:IconButton>
>>                 <j:BarTitle text="Responsive App"/>
>>             </j:BarSection>
>>             <j:BarSection itemsHorizontalAlign="itemsRight">
>>              <j:ToggleButton>
>>                     <j:beads>
>>                         <j:ToolTip toolTip="show/hide FooterBar"/>
>>                     </j:beads>
>>                     <j:icon>
>>                         <js:MaterialToggleIcon
>> text="{MaterialIconType.VISIBILITY}"
>> selectedText="{MaterialIconType.VISIBILITY_OFF}" />
>>                     </j:icon>
>>                 </j:ToggleButton>
>>             </j:BarSection>
>>         </j:BarRow>
>>     </j:TopAppBar>
>>     <j:ApplicationMainContent localId="main" hasTopAppBar="true"
>> hasFooterBar="true">
>>     <j:ScrollableSectionContent>
>>             <j:Card width="100%" height="100%">
>>             </j:Card>
>>             </j:ScrollableSectionContent>
>>             </j:ApplicationMainContent>
>>         </j:ResponsiveView >
>>     </j:initialView>
>> </j:Application>
>> D
>> On Mon, 22 Feb 2021 at 19:05, Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi, if that works, means icon lib is right and I think is the binding
>>> not working
>>> I need to see the file. You can to a paste of the file [1]
>>> [1] https://paste.apache.org/
>>> El lun, 22 feb 2021 a las 17:55, David Slotemaker de Bruine (<
>>> dslotema...@vicensvives.com>) escribió:
>>>> Hi Carlos,
>>>> OK! that worked, using just menu shows the correct icon. What could it
>>>> be?
>>>> David
>>>> On Mon, 22 Feb 2021 at 16:13, Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>> I mean to add the value of the MENU constant, sin that text is what
>>>>> the icon needs to be shown
>>>>> The constant are only for convenience and error checking
>>>>> El lun, 22 feb 2021 a las 14:25, David Slotemaker de Bruine (<
>>>>> dslotema...@vicensvives.com>) escribió:
>>>>>> If I remove the { , ie:
>>>>>>    <js:MaterialIcon text="MaterialIconType.MENU" />
>>>>>> The browser shows the character [ when the menu is hidden. The tool
>>>>>> tips also no longer work.
>>>>>> Shall I send you a zip version of the project?
>>>>>> D
>>>>>> On Mon, 22 Feb 2021 at 09:59, Carlos Rovira <carlosrov...@apache.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>> if you remove the binding and put the string directly it works?
>>>>>>> If so, the library is ok. So it must be something in the bind and I
>>>>>>> need you to copy a bit of code you're using since I have no idea
>>>>>>> El lun, 22 feb 2021 a las 8:53, David Slotemaker de Bruine (<
>>>>>>> dslotema...@vicensvives.com>) escribió:
>>>>>>>> Hi Carlos,
>>>>>>>> I have it at both the Application tag level and the ResponsiveView
>>>>>>>> Level. No dice.
>>>>>>>> I had it like the TDJ example (only at the ResponsiveView Level)
>>>>>>>> and also no dice. I think binding is working because the tool tips 
>>>>>>>> still
>>>>>>>> display.
>>>>>>>> I must be missing somthing else, but I dont know what. Any pointers?
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> D
>>>>>>>> On Sat, 20 Feb 2021 at 16:19, Carlos Rovira <
>>>>>>>> carlosrov...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi David,
>>>>>>>>> Remember that binding requires to be composed in Royale (PAYG main
>>>>>>>>> principle).
>>>>>>>>> Do you have this bead at mxml file level?
>>>>>>>>> <js:ContainerDataBinding/>
>>>>>>>>> El vie, 19 feb 2021 a las 11:13, David Slotemaker de Bruine (<
>>>>>>>>> dslotema...@vicensvives.com>) escribió:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> I am trying to recreate the Tour de Jewel Responsive Design. I
>>>>>>>>>> have almost everything working but I am stuck with the following 
>>>>>>>>>> issue:
>>>>>>>>>> 1)The MaterialIcon components that use binding (
>>>>>>>>>> <js:MaterialIcon text="{MaterialIconType.MENU}" />) to decide their 
>>>>>>>>>> image
>>>>>>>>>> show blank, but the tool tips still work which seems to say it isn't 
>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>> problem with the binding. Other Material Items that are set via code 
>>>>>>>>>> show
>>>>>>>>>> correctly (eg ResponsiveIcon and the MenuNav Icons.)
>>>>>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Carlos Rovira
>>>>>>>>> Apache Member & Apache Royale PMC
>>>>>>>>> *Apache Software Foundation*
>>>>>>>>> http://about.me/carlosrovira
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> *David Slotemaker de Bruïne*
>>>>>>>> *Head of Educational Robotics*
>>>>>>>> Av. Sarriá, 130 - 08017 Barcelona
>>>>>>>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=Av.+Sarri%C3%A1,+130+-+08017+Barcelona&entry=gmail&source=g>
>>>>>>>> T. +34 932 523 729 ext. 135
>>>>>>>> dslotema...@vicensvives.com
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Carlos Rovira
>>>>>>> Apache Member & Apache Royale PMC
>>>>>>> *Apache Software Foundation*
>>>>>>> http://about.me/carlosrovira
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *David Slotemaker de Bruïne*
>>>>>> *Head of Educational Robotics*
>>>>>> Av. Sarriá, 130 - 08017 Barcelona
>>>>>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=Av.+Sarri%C3%A1,+130+-+08017+Barcelona&entry=gmail&source=g>
>>>>>> T. +34 932 523 729 ext. 135
>>>>>> dslotema...@vicensvives.com
>>>>> --
>>>>> Carlos Rovira
>>>>> Apache Member & Apache Royale PMC
>>>>> *Apache Software Foundation*
>>>>> http://about.me/carlosrovira
>>>> --
>>>> *David Slotemaker de Bruïne*
>>>> *Head of Educational Robotics*
>>>> Av. Sarriá, 130 - 08017 Barcelona
>>>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=Av.+Sarri%C3%A1,+130+-+08017+Barcelona&entry=gmail&source=g>
>>>> T. +34 932 523 729 ext. 135
>>>> dslotema...@vicensvives.com
>>> --
>>> Carlos Rovira
>>> Apache Member & Apache Royale PMC
>>> *Apache Software Foundation*
>>> http://about.me/carlosrovira
>> --
>> *David Slotemaker de Bruïne*
>> *Head of Educational Robotics*
>> Av. Sarriá, 130 - 08017 Barcelona
>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=Av.+Sarri%C3%A1,+130+-+08017+Barcelona&entry=gmail&source=g>
>> T. +34 932 523 729 ext. 135
>> dslotema...@vicensvives.com
> --
> Carlos Rovira
> Apache Member & Apache Royale PMC
> *Apache Software Foundation*
> http://about.me/carlosrovira


*David Slotemaker de Bruïne*
*Head of Educational Robotics*

Av. Sarriá, 130 - 08017 Barcelona

T. +34 932 523 729 ext. 135


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