Hi everyone,
I have the following classes server side
 public class ShortType {   private List<Short> values;      // values has 
getter and setter }   public class StringType {   private List<String> values;  
    // values has getter and setter }   With their corresponding as3 classes   
import org.apache.royale.collections.ArrayList;
     [RemoteClass(alias="com.test.generic.dto.types.ShortType")]     [Bindable] 
    public class ShortType     {                    private var 

            public function set values(values:ArrayList) : void       {         
     trace(" --- short values list set --- ");
           this._values = values;       }
       public function get values():ArrayList       {           return 
this._values;       }        }            import 
[RemoteClass(alias="com.test.generic.dto.types.StringType")]     [Bindable]     
public class StringType     {                    private var _values:ArrayList;

            public function set values(values:ArrayList) : void       {         
     trace(" --- short values list set --- ");
           this._values = values;       }
       public function get values():ArrayList       {           return 
this._values;       }        }            When trying to access the values 
arrayList in royale the content of the array list is incorrect        for 
example if a put short values 14, 100 in the arrayList server side, I will get 
an array list with values (0, 1)        The samething if I put String vales 
"Mr", "Mrs" in the arrayList server side, I will get an array list with values 
    Clearly blazeds is not serializing the List<String> and List<Short>.        
 Any ideas ? I am using js:RemoteObject to perform the call.         I tried 
switching to mx royale but I keep getting compiler errors whenever I reference 
mx royale classes. I tried to follow the example where mx royale remote object 
was used in a jewel app but compiler errors keep coming up.    

    Would appreciate help on this. I am pretty stuck at the moment.

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