The short answer is if you have the time to write the code to use 
[Bindable(”fooChange”)] the result will be a bit more efficient.  Using 
[Bindable] is easier to write, but has a cost.  The cost is roughly what 
proportion of public properties need to actually dispatch change events.  
Royale SWCs in Royale releases should never use [Bindable].  We should take the 
time to optimize and use [Bindable(”fooChange”)].  What the app developer does 
is their own decision.

From: Maria Jose Esteve <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Thursday, April 14, 2022 at 10:04 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: RE: Binding - dispatch event change

I will look into it, thanks Yishay


De: Yishay Weiss <>
Enviado el: martes, 12 de abril de 2022 12:28
Asunto: RE: Binding - dispatch event change

You might find answers here [1]

[1] Using Bindable Metadata Events | Tournas Dimitrios 

From: Maria Jose Esteve<>
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 1:14 PM
Subject: Binding - dispatch event change

Hello, I want to ask you a general question about the binding of as3 properties.
In the SDK we can observe different implementations:

public function set foo(value:Boolean):void{
                _foo = value;
public function set foo(value:Boolean):void{
                _foo = value;
public function set foo(value:Boolean):void{
                _foo = value;
                dispatchEvent(new Event(“fooChange”));
public function set foo(value:Boolean):void{
                _foo = value;
                dispatchEvent(new Event(“fooChange”));
public function set foo(value:Boolean):void{
                _foo = value;
                dispatchEvent(new Event(“fooChange”));

What is the difference between these options? In what cases would you implement 
one or the other?


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