Hello James,

On 20/04/2020 13:13, James Fitzsimons wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm interested in contributing to the BeagleBone BSP by adding drivers
> for some of the missing features. I am working on a robotics project
> using the BeagleBoneBlack wireless and becoming frustrated by Linux. I
> would love to be able to use RTEMS, which I have dabbled with a bit in
> the past.
> I am interested in adding support for the eQEP (Enhanced Quadrature
> Encoder Pulse Module) which I am using to decode the quadrature encoders
> on my motors.

That one isn't implemented yet and I don't know of any current work on
it. So feel free to go ahead.

> I will eventually also need support for the ADC, PRU (I see some work
> has already been done on that by a GSoC project),

There has been some work on PRU. I'm not entirely sure about ADC.

> and ideally the TI
> WiLink 8 WL1835MOD wireless chipset - although I realise that might be
> extremely difficult.

That depends: What kind of interface is used for that? And is the chip
already supported in FreeBSD?

If it is an USB interface and it is supported in FreeBSD adding it
shouldn't be much work. If it is an SDIO it will get a bit more
difficult but still possible in a decent time frame. If FreeBSD doesn't
know anything about it you will have a really hard time. WLAN drivers
are _very_ complex and the need a lot of detail knowledge about the
chipset and the regulations.

> Are drivers for these features something that would be welcome in the
> BBB BSP, and if so any tips for getting started?

Of course. Peripheral drivers are nearly always welcome.

For the PRU you might should contact the GSoC student working on the
topic. For WLAN: Please check the interface and FreeBSD support. I don't
know exactly what the eQEP does. But if there is a FreeBSD driver for it
you might want to check that one too and maybe port it via libbsd
(except the eQEP is a really simple module and it's a lot simpler to
write the driver yourself in the BSP).

Best regards


> Cheers,
> James Fitzsimons
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