"You could probably use their tools to create bundles then just deploy the
bundles to your sling instance."

Just need to say that using their tools in this manor may violate the
developer edition's license agreement, I don't know.  I'd still suggest
looking into the product to help learn the language, but make sure you
carefully read the license agreement before actually deploying bundles to

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Herman 
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2011 9:04 AM
To: users@sling.apache.org
Subject: RE: Beginners question with Sling.

In reference to ESP vs JSP:

You may be able to use Day CRX (now Adobe) documentation as a resource.

They have a series of blogs called "CRX Gems." Some are product specific but
most are really just taking advantage of sling.
Page back into newer topics as well.

Here are some links that I have stashed away that may be of interest to you:

I recently looked into whether to go with ESP or JSP and decided to go with
JSP for the following reasons:
 - JSP is more standard, easier for others to jump on a project
 - As you have found documentation for ESP is scarce.
 - I wasn't able to find any advantages of using ESP besides that the common
sling objects are provided for you. In JSP you just have to include a taglib
and call the call sling:define objects.
 - It seems the people who write/use the product tend to use JSP more and are
starting to shy away from ESP.
 - IDE support should be a bit better with JSP

I don't think there is anything wrong with ESP, but it just seems like it
doesn't have any major advantage make it a must have.

A couple of discussions I have found:

Sorry I can't help with your issues. As you probably have guessed most my
experience is with Day/Adobe's product, so I suggest you may want to get a
license for a developer edition of CRX. It's free (last i checked), and is
basically a jackrabbit repository with sling on top plus their tools.  They
have an Eclipse ide with debugging, a node browser, and a web based ide.
It's very easy to install, although you will need to register for a free
license. Also note, eclipse ide is a separate download. You could probably
use their tools to create bundles then just deploy the bundles to your sling

Good luck.
-----Original Message-----
From: Phil Rice [mailto:phil.rice.erud...@googlemail.com]
Sent: Thu 7/7/2011 3:56 AM
To: users@sling.apache.org
Subject: Re: Beginners question with Sling.
Thanks for the swift reply

   - I'll raise a bug about "Sling in 15 minutes" as soon as I can make a
   unit test to capture it.
   - I'm hoping someone can point me to a tutorial or reference materials
   for ESP. Playing with javascript through reflection is hard work!
   - Thanks for the idea of running Sling in the same OSGI container. I
   suspect that won't work for crowd sourcing (you want one central
   repository), but I think it would be an excellent way to learn how
   everything ties together
   - I was puzzled that PUT was the wrong method. As I understand it PUT is
   the mechanism to "create or replace" in REST. However I replaced the call
   a post, and I just get internal server error 500s with nothing appearing
   the logs. I will chase that down when I have sorted out the next point:
   - Assuming that there is a problem in my understanding in what is going
   on, I reduced to the simplest thing that could wrong and produced the
   following HTML page

     <form action="http://localhost:8080/newNode1"; method="post">
    <label for="name1">Name1</label> <input type="text" id="name1"
value="Value1" /><br />
    <label for="name2">Name3</label> <input type="text" id="name2"
value="Value2" /><br />
    <label for="name3">Name4</label> <input type="text" id="name3"
value="Value3" /><br />
    <label for="name4">Name5</label> <input type="text" id="name4"
value="Value4" /><br />
My hope is that when I click the button this would create newNode1 with
attributes name1 = Value1 etc. And indeed (after logging in) it created
newNode1. However when I examine the node created using the url
http://localhost:8080/newNode1.json I find the following page:


However if I use

curl -u admin:admin -F"name1=value1" -F"name2=value2"

And surf to http://localhost:8080/newNodeQ1.json I find


I would appreciate some advice on how to get the HTML to work similar to

Thanks again for the help

 My software stack is:

   - Windows 7 64 bit
   - JDK1.6.0_24
   - Eclipse Indigo Release build 20110615-0604
   - I am using jar "org.apache.sling.launchpad.base.jar", which I
   downloaded earlier this week.
   - I am running the jar using Eclipse using only defaults (no VM
   arguments, no program arguments). The main method is from
   class org.apache.sling.launchpad.app.Main

The console output from sling is

07.07.2011 07:54:18.570 *INFO* [main] Setting sling.home=sling (default)
07.07.2011 07:54:18.572 *INFO* [main] Starting Sling in sling
07.07.2011 07:54:18.620 *INFO* [main] Checking launcher JAR in folder sling
07.07.2011 07:54:18.640 *INFO* [main] Existing launcher is up to date, using
it: 2.3.0 (org.apache.sling.launchpad.base.jar)
07.07.2011 07:54:18.642 *INFO* [main] Loading launcher class
org.apache.sling.launchpad.base.app.MainDelegate from
07.07.2011 07:54:18.662 *INFO* [main] Starting launcher ...
07.07.2011 07:54:18.666 *INFO* [main] HTTP server port: 8080
07.07.2011 07:54:20.736 *INFO* [main] Startup completed

On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 11:02 PM, Justin Edelson

> On Jul 6, 2011, at 5:16 PM, Phil Rice <phil.rice.erud...@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hello everyone.
> Hi
> >
> > I have just downloaded Sling, and am very impressed with it. I am
> planning
> > on using it in conjunction with an Eclipse plugin to crowd source
> > information about open source projects.
> Sounds interesting. Are you able to reuse code between the server side and
> client side as both Sling and Eclipse are OSGi based?
> >
> > I am having the usual teething problems that I get whenever I use an open
> > source product, and I am hoping to get some assistance. I have spent
> three
> > days getting going, so I have tried quite a few combinations.
> >
> > Some general information for you "getting going with sling in 15 minutes"
> > was very helpful. I have a version of Sling built from the source code
> using
> > Maven, and a second which is the standalone Jar. On both of them the
> > following curl command didn't work:
> >
> > curl -u admin:admin -F"sling:resourceType=foo/bar" -F"title=some
> > title" http://localhost:8080/content/mynode
> >
> >
> > I had to replace it with:
> >
> >
> > curl -u admin:admin -F"sling:resourceType=foo/bar" -F"title=some
> > title" http://localhost:8080/mynode
> This should have worked. Can you file a bug report?
> >
> >
> > At the moment my Sling-fu is weak and I am not sure if this is some
> > configuration problem.
> > ---------------
> >
> > I am now at the point at which I feel the master of Sling (pride comes
> > before a fall) using Curl, so I have moved to Java. I have tried a number
> of
> > Java libraries include the Apache HttpClient, http-unit and Rest-assured.
> I
> > am now at the point at which I can get information out of Sling that I
> put
> > in with Curl, but I am unable to programatically add it. Specifically I
> can
> > create the node, but the attributes do not appear. Fairly obviously I am
> > missing some critical configuration
> >
> > So I have the following questions:
> >
> >   - ESP looks very nice. Where can I find information on how to use it. I
> >   have found some samples using it, but have not been very successful in
> >   finding tutorials / reference material.
> >   - What is the Java side client software that you recommend for use with
> >   Sling, and do you have any example code?
> The majority of the Sling integration test suite is written with Apache
> HttpClient 3.x. That's a good point if reference.
> >   - Can you advise why the following code does not set param1=value1,
> >   param2=value2?
> >
> You're doing a PUT. I'm assuming you are using the default servlets and the
> functionality which accepts form parameters and sets node properties from
> them is in the default POST servlet. Of course, you're free to write your
> own servlet which accepts PUTs.
> HTH,
> Justin
> >
> > import org.apache.http.*;
> > public class PopulateRepository {
> > public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
> > BasicCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = new
> > BasicCredentialsProvider();
> > credentialsProvider.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, new
> > UsernamePasswordCredentials("admin", "admin"));
> > DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
> > client.setCredentialsProvider(credentialsProvider);
> >
> > String nodeName = "newNodeName";
> > List<NameValuePair> formParams = Arrays.<NameValuePair> asList(new
> > BasicNameValuePair("param1", "value1"), new BasicNameValuePair("param2",
> > "value2"));
> > UrlEncodedFormEntity entity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(formParams,
> "UTF-8");
> > HttpPut action = new HttpPut("http://localhost:8080/"; + nodeName);
> > HttpResponse response = client.execute(action);
> >       }}
> >
> > Thanks for making such an interesting product

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