Why don't  you use Jackrabbit via DavEx or RMI?

I don't think Sling is a remote repository.

I'm not sure what you meant by "a mixture of structured and unstructured
Have you looked at other databases such as CouchDB or MongoDB?

On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 8:05 AM, Phil Rice

> @Sam Lee
> "Why do you want to access through Java" My client is going to be an
> Eclipse
> Plugin. In practice I will probably use Scala or Clojure, but I didn't want
> to pollute my pitiful request for help with language issues. I think Sling
> looks like an excellent remote repository for a mixture of structured and
> unstructured data.
> @Julian
> I take your point. I think all I really needed was the hello world program
> to post data in, and get data out. One of the things I really like about
> Sling (although I haven't got it working yet) is that I can effectively ask
> for an object graph with one query.
> Example: I am making a project data repository. My data structure holds
> data
> such as "software projects", "releases", "classes", "methods". Some
> "fields"
> are mandatory, but many will be freeform. The relationship between these
> entities is complex. As an example the method setXXX may exist across
> multiple versions, but perhaps change what it does, so displaying comments
> and documentation about that method requires business knowledge. As I
> understand it, in a single query about a method, I can return data about
> the
> method, but I can walk the repository tree (I don't have the sling language
> yet...give me time) and return data about the method, the class that holds
> it, the releases that the class is in, and the project that the holds the
> data about the class.
> Your checklist looks like a training plan. My first plan was to make a plug
> in that was very chatty: I make a query for each entity, perhaps 20 queries
> for a screen full of data. This would allow me to gain experience with
> sling, eclipse plugins etc, and give me something "shiny" to discuss with
> potential users. Once I have that working, I will be doing a lot more work
> to reduce it to (hopefull) one request, at which point I will be using a
> lot
> more of the sling tools
> @Bertrand
> Thanks for the slingbucks example, I'll start with that and if I get stuck
> move onto CRX.
> @All
> Once again thank you for the assistance
> On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 12:41 PM, Bertrand Delacretaz <
> bdelacre...@apache.org
> > wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 1:31 PM, Julian Sedding <jsedd...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > > ...Typically when working with Sling you don't access it via HTTP a
> lot.
> > > Rather you work "within" Sling. I.e. you write scripts that run within
> > > an authenticated request (which typically originates from a browser).
> > > I believe that getting "inside" Sling can be a little tricky at the
> > > beginning and that's where CRX with its tooling can certainly help....
> >
> > Though our samples, like the Slingbucks one, [1] will show you how to
> > combine java and scripting code to create applications with Sling.
> >
> > -Bertrand
> >
> > [1] http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/sling/trunk/samples/slingbucks
> >

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