Hi Oliver

> On Saturday 06 December 2014 21:06:34 Bruce Edge wrote:
> > Hi Oliver,
> hi Bruce,
> > Was there a reference intended from the [1] in your message?
> > I¡¦m interested in what you may have planned.
> I listed the issues SLING-3533, SLING-3534, SLING-3535 and SLING-3619 at
> bottom of my mail and I've now created a new issue SLING-4223 to track
> request and a new version (2.2.0) for JCR ContentLoader.

I saw your whiteboard for this work and I'm looking forward to integrating
with it. 
Is there any plan as to when this may be merged into the trunk?

I know that some of the sling issues above are still outstanding, but
SLING-3534 looked like the only one needing new code.

I'm asking because I will have some time to dedicate to sling work in the
near future and wanted to assist if possible.


> We will need to find a way how to get the right ContentReader for a
>format as 
> we will have the same extension (e.g. .xml, .zip) for different formats.
> Regards,
> O.
> > -Bruce
> > 
> > From: Oliver Lietz <apache@...<mailto:apache@...>>
> > Reply-To: "users@...<mailto:users@...>"
> >
> <users@...<mailto:users@...>>
> Date: Saturday,
> > December 6, 2014 at 8:42 AM
> > To: "users@...<mailto:users@...>"
> >
> <users@...<mailto:users@...>>
> Subject: Re:
> > Defining new content types and associated import actions
> > 
> > On Saturday 06 December 2014 08:00:41 Felix Meschberger wrote:
> > Hi Bruce
> > 
> > hi,
> > 
> > I think you are on the right track. ContentReader would probably help
> > solving your problem.
> > Yet, for now the content loader is not extensible ¡X by intent because
> > didn¡¦t have a need for making it extensible so far and we were not
> > about how to do it.
> > This might be a good opportunity, though, to do it.
> > Quickly glancing through the code, I¡¦d think that ¡K
> > * we create a new org.apache.sling.contentloader.reader package to be
> > exported at version 1.0 * move the ContentCreator ( <at> ProviderType)
> > ContentReader ( <at> ConsumerType) to that new package * convert the
> > BaseImportLoader into a standalone ContentReader service holder used by
> > the DefaultContentImporter and ContentLoaderService components. * For
> > ContentReader service interface we define service registration
> > for the service to expose the file name extension (and maybe content
> > the reader supports.
> > WDYT ?
> > 
> > we have some improvement issues open [1] for content loader, I will do
> > experimenting in my whiteboard area including Felix ideas.
> > 
> > Regards,
> > O.
> > 
> > [1] SLING-3533, SLING-3534, SLING-3535, SLING-3619
> > 
> > Regards
> > Felix
> > 
> > > Am 06.12.2014 um 06:32 schrieb Bruce Edge
> > > <bruce.edge@...<mailto:bruce.edge@...>>:
> > > 
> > > After digging around in the sling code a bit I found the
> > > interface, with Json, Zip, and XML reader classes. This looks looks
> > > the right option, IOW implement a new ContentReader class for my data
> > > type.
> > > 
> > > The one remaining question is, how does this tie in with the content
> > > detection on the front end?
> > > 
> > > I am setting up the mimeType for this extension already:
> > >     
> > >     "folio");
> > > 
> > > but what else do I need to do to invoke the new ContentReader once
> > > mimeType is detected?
> > > 
> > > I see the existing loaders are all defined in BaseImportLoader. Is
> > > an API to append new extension/loader mappings to this?
> > > 
> > > -Bruce
> > > 
> > > From: Bruce Edge
> > > <bruce.edge@...<mailto:bruce.edge@...><mail
> > > to:bruce.edge@...>> Reply-To:
> > > "users@...<mailto:users@...><mailto:users <at> slin
> > > g.apache.org>"
> > > <users@...<mailto:users@...><mailto:users <at> slin
> > > g.apache.org>> Date: Thursday, December 4, 2014 at 2:00 PM
> > > To:
> > > "users@...<mailto:users@...><mailto:users <at> slin
> > > g.apache.org>"
> > > <users@...<mailto:users@...><mailto:users <at> slin
> > > g.apache.org>> Subject: Defining new content types and associated
> > > actions
> > > 
> > > I keep finding that I¡¦m doing things the hard way and that someone
> > > already thought of this and has implemented something far better
>than my
> > > current attempt. Therefore I have to ask this question.
> > > 
> > > I need to import content with a well defined structure adobe
> > > archives. These are zip files consisting of an xml content
>descriptor, a
> > > mime type file and a number of child folio archives.
> > > 
> > > Folio.xml
> > > mimetype
> > > 0000_Cover.folio
> > > 0001_article_xx.folio
> > > 0002_artivle_yy.folio
> > > ¡K
> > > 
> > > The mime type contains:
> > > application/vnd.adobe.folio+zip%
> > > 
> > > 
> > > where each child .folio file is a zip consisting of another folio.xml
> > > descriptor file and additional media files:
> > > ¢u¢w¢w Folio.xml
> > > ¢u¢w¢w META-INF
> > > ¢x   ¢|¢w¢w pkgproperties.xml
> > > ¢u¢w¢w StackResources
> > > ¢x   ¢u¢w¢w asset_L.pdf
> > > ¢x   ¢u¢w¢w asset_P.pdf
> > > ¢x   ¢u¢w¢w scrubber_L1.jpg
> > > ¢x   ¢u¢w¢w scrubber_P1.jpg
> > > ¢x   ¢u¢w¢w thumb_L1.jpg
> > > ¢x   ¢u¢w¢w thumb_P1.jpg
> > > ¢x   ¢|¢w¢w toc.jpg
> > > ¢|¢w¢w mimetype
> > > 
> > > Is it possible to define a new content type for each of these, the
> > > multi-folio and the child folio structures such that when I post
> > > something like:
> > > 
> > > curl -u uid:pwd -F":contentType=multifolio" -F":operation=import"
> > > -F":contentFile= <at> ~/bedge/issue.multifolio<mailto:contentFile=
<at> ~/bedge/iss
> > > ue.multifolio><mailto:contentFile= <at> ~/bedge/iss ue.multifolio>"
> > > http://localhost:8080/content/issue
> > > 
> > > that the behavior would be to unpack the multifolio, then upon
> > > discovering the child .folio files, and recognizing the registered
> > > format for these, also unpack each of these?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > The gravy would be to also parse the folio.xml files and validate
> > > all resources defined in the xml are indeed present, but I admit
> > > getting greedy.
> > > 
> > > -Bruce

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