Felix, that sounds damn near perfect. I can work on a folio import service now, 
given those assumptions. I can build it into the internal API now and migrate 
it over later, and if no one objects, contribute it as an optional extension.


From: Felix Meschberger <fmesc...@adobe.com<mailto:fmesc...@adobe.com>>
Reply-To: "users@sling.apache.org<mailto:users@sling.apache.org>" 
Date: Friday, December 5, 2014 at 11:00 PM
To: "users@sling.apache.org<mailto:users@sling.apache.org>" 
Subject: Re: Defining new content types and associated import actions

Hi Bruce

I think you are on the right track. ContentReader would probably help solving 
your problem.

Yet, for now the content loader is not extensible - by intent because we didn’t 
have a need for making it extensible so far and we were not sure about how to 
do it.

This might be a good opportunity, though, to do it.

Quickly glancing through the code, I’d think that …

* we create a new org.apache.sling.contentloader.reader package to be exported 
at version 1.0
* move the ContentCreator (@ProviderType) and ContentReader (@ConsumerType) to 
that new package
* convert the BaseImportLoader into a standalone ContentReader service holder 
used by the DefaultContentImporter and ContentLoaderService components.
* For the ContentReader service interface we define service registration 
properties for the service to expose the file name extension (and maybe content 
type) the reader supports.



Am 06.12.2014 um 06:32 schrieb Bruce Edge 
After digging around in the sling code a bit I found the ContentReader 
interface, with Json, Zip, and XML reader classes.
This looks looks like the right option, IOW implement a new ContentReader class 
for my data type.
The one remaining question is, how does this tie in with the content type 
detection on the front end?
I am setting up the mimeType for this extension already:
but what else do I need to do to invoke the new ContentReader once this 
mimeType is detected?
I see the existing loaders are all defined in BaseImportLoader. Is there an API 
to append new extension/loader mappings to this?
From: Bruce Edge 
Date: Thursday, December 4, 2014 at 2:00 PM
Subject: Defining new content types and associated import actions
I keep finding that I’m doing things the hard way and that someone has
already thought of this and has implemented something far better than my
current attempt. Therefore I have to ask this question.
I need to import content with a well defined structure adobe multi-folio
archives. These are zip files consisting of an xml content descriptor, a
mime type file and a number of child folio archives.
The mime type contains:
where each child .folio file is a zip consisting of another folio.xml
descriptor file and additional media files:
├── Folio.xml
│   └── pkgproperties.xml
├── StackResources
│   ├── asset_L.pdf
│   ├── asset_P.pdf
│   ├── scrubber_L1.jpg
│   ├── scrubber_P1.jpg
│   ├── thumb_L1.jpg
│   ├── thumb_P1.jpg
│   └── toc.jpg
└── mimetype
Is it possible to define a new content type for each of these, the parent
multi-folio and the child folio structures such that when I post using
something like:
curl -u uid:pwd -F":contentType=multifolio" -F":operation=import"
that the behavior would be to unpack the multifolio, then upon discovering
the child .folio files, and recognizing the registered format for these,
also unpack each of these?
The gravy would be to also parse the folio.xml files and validate that all
resources defined in the xml are indeed present, but I admit that’s
getting greedy.

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