This is great information - I have not seen the MIME type registry before. So, 
I see a mapping

image/png       [*png*]

...which seems reasonable. I see no mapping for image/x-png, so step 1 appears 

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Walters [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2015 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: Uploaded file MIME type

On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 2:46 PM, Roll, Kevin <> wrote:

> I am trying to upload a PNG file to the repository, using the
> SlingPostServlet. The problem I am encountering is that the field
> jcr:mimeType on the automatically created node ends up being "image/x-png",
> which is causing me a lot of trouble downstream because "x-" indicates a
> non-standard MIME type. Is this expected? Where does the "x-" come from?
> Referencing the documentation at
>   *   jcr:mimeType -- The MIME type from the original file submission (if
> contained in the file body part) or derived from the original file name
> Even if I provide a file name of "whatever.png" I still get a MIME type of
> "image/x-png", so this doesn't work. I'm not sure I understand how to put
> the MIME type into my POST in order to set it explicitly. How can I work
> around this issue?
> As a point of interest I am almost certain that I was getting the correct
> type a few months ago. I haven't been able to determine what change, if
> any, introduced this issue.
> Thanks!
Have you checked to see what the mime type registry has in place for the
png extension? There's quite a number of rules for auto-selecting the
mimetype, so reviewing the details on [1] would be my suggestion here.
The mimetype registry may have changed without your knowledge, so
confirming that it is correct (has the expected value) would be a first



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