
On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 11:25 AM, Guillaume Lucazeau
<glucaz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...Considering the lack of responses, Re-importing exported JSON, including
> the priviliges, doesn't seem to be a feature that lots of people need, so I
> will try to patch the importer on my own :)..

I actually have a use case for this on my list, but that's a long list
so I'm not sure when I'll start working on it.

> ...I was wondering if pull requests on Github are the best way to submit
> patches to Sling, or if you prefer diff files attached to a ticket...

We need a jira ticket in any case, but submitting patches as pull
requests works.

Looking forward to your contributions!

(and don't forget the tests ;-)


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