Hi Greg

One difference between an JCR Content Package (ZIP file) is that you can use
the exploded tree inside the Eclipse or IntelliJ plugin and edit / deploy / 
import (from
server) one file at a time. With the Bundle Content you have to deploy it
as an entire bundle.

If working with JSon you have to keep in mind that:

1) You don’t have comments but you can add a comment attribute but
    see that as JCR property

2) There is only a SINGLE LINE text in JSon

This works:

        “attributeOne” : “One line is ok”

This does not:

        “attributeTwo” : “This line will
                                  fail as it is multi line”

For most part this is ok but certain configurations that is not good.

Having worked on bigger AEM projects we ended up having many
JCR Content Packages and OSGi Bundles and so eventually we
used a dedicated ALL JCR Package which is just there to bundle up
all artifacts and deploy them in one swoop.

For most part I prefer the Bundle Contents over JCR Packages especially
with Sling as Composum prints outs node properties as JSon. That said
I never worked on a big project with it and so I don’t know what issues
I would face. A friend of mine said they ran into issues with it.

As far as I know SLING-INF is not needed but I would recommend to
place your content is a specially marked folder and not just 

This line is more instructive:


than this:


In Sling 9 you can have both JCR Packages and Bundle Content w/o any issues.

Cheers - Andy

> On Apr 1, 2017, at 4:18 AM, Greg Fullard <gr...@8bitplatoon.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> I see that there is some difference between how content projects are
> handled between the Sling IDE tools and the Maven archetypes.
>   1. The "Sling Content Project" wizard creates a project with a jcr_root
>   folder which then contains folders and content.xml files. This is very
>   similar to what I'm used to with AEM Archetype 10.
>   2. The sling-initial-content-archetype, on the other hand, generates a
>   SLING-INF folder with an XML node descriptor file (as explained at
> http://sling.apache.org/documentation/bundles/content-loading-jcr-contentloader.html
>   )
>   3. The Slingbucks example uses JSON descriptor files.
> Obviously all these methods work, but I'm interested to get an idea of what
> the recommended method is. Perhaps based on specific criteria of my
> project?
> Much appreciated
> Greg
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