I have a bit, honestly I'd just run it in the cloud.

I'm using a reserved t3a.micro instance for my personal website. I would
say you need at least 1 vCPU and 1GB of memory to keep it up and stable any
less than that and you have to do swapping and that's.... bad. With a
1-year reservation it's only ~$50 / year.

I'd recommend taking a look at the Vagrant setup for Sling CMS as there's
some good stuff in there around configuring Apache httpd to act as a proxy
and caching layer. I'd also just recommend taking a look at Sling CMS as
it's a pretty nice quickstart to getting a working website in Sling.


On Thu, Nov 7, 2019 at 12:48 PM Andreas Schaefer <schaef...@me.com.invalid>

> Hi
> Does anyone have experience with hosting a small Apache Sling site?
> Or is the best solution to run Sling on a Cloud Server (AWS, Azure etc)?
> Cheers - Andy

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