Question about forward distribution. In my scenario, the jcr:content has been 
changed since it was last distributed. 

My SimpleDistributionRequest looks like this
SimpleDistributionRequest simpleDistributionRequest = new 
SimpleDistributionRequest(DistributionRequestType.ADD, shallowPaths, deepPaths);

shallowPaths has paths related to a webpage "/content/website/page” 
deepPaths is a Set containing just "/content/website/page/jcr:content"

This fully distributes the webpage from source instance to the target Sling 
instance. After moving or deleting content under jcr:content on the source, and 
distribution with deepPaths is executed again, I expected all the content nodes 
should be replaced. Such that moved or deleted content would reflect on the 
target instance. What actually happens is that new content is merged with any 
content that was moved or deleted. 

Is there any way to avoid this behavior?  Or is it necessary in scenarios such 
as this to send requests with DistributionRequestType.DELETE before doing such 
deepPath forward distribution requests?


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