Hi all,

After 2 weeks of waiting on Daycare to respond, I’m reaching out here, as I 
think this is more Apache Sling related than AEM specific.

I’m trying to successfully make an AEM primary author from a cold standby 
author, but it fails.
It fails because all our OSGi components with config bound to the ‘author’ 
runmode doesn’t get installed after switching runmode.

I looked at the source code, but it seems there is no way to trigger the 
JcrInstaller to re-initialize all OSGi config stored in the repository.
Is there any way to do that?

A more detailed explanation of our process:

You start by creating a standby author instance from a primary instance 
(runmode “author” is active).
The OSGi configuration for our components is stored in sling:OsgiConfig nodes 
in the JCR below “config.author” folders.
It is properly installed by the JCR Installer and the config files can be found 
in the launchpad/config folder on disk.

We shut down the instance, and remove all our OSGi config from the 
launchpad/config folder on disk.
We do that to avoid our components getting active in the standby runmode as 
this is not wanted.
The OSGi config stored in the launchpad/config folder on disk is used, not the 
OSGi config from the JCR.
I think this is *issue (1)*.

We start the instance with runmode “standby”.
All is fine, AEM is acting as a standby instance, and our components are not 

We restart the instance, but now give it the runmode “author” again.
We would expect all OSGi configuration from the sling:OsgiConfig nodes below 
“config.author” folders would become installed by the OSGi framework, but in 
fact, it does not.
This is *issue (2)*.
AEM acts as an author instance again, but all our components are not active 
because they don’t have any OSGi config (launchpad/config is empty).

How can I fix this?
Or is this a situation Apache Sling can’t handle?

Kind regards,

Wim Symons
AEM Lead Architect
Digital Production Center

Auguste Reyerslaan 52
B-1043 Brussel

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