
the run mode "author" is sticky - once you start a AEM instance with that run mode it will continue to use it, regardless of what you specify on the next startup. So in your example, the run mode author is active for all three startups.

Messing with the launchpad/config folder is not recommended as you can run in exactly the problems you describe. The OSGi installer (the main component used by the JCR installer) is not reverting changes done by other tools or humans. So what you describe is actually expected:

When you manually remove configurations from launchpad/config and restart the instance (standby restart), the installer still has the state that it has installed the configurations previously. So it is not acting - this is the intended behaviour as the installer is not messing with changes done through other means (like this manual remove). And as "author" is a sticky run mode, the installer sees no change in the set of known configurations read from JCR.

Similar on the next restart (without standby), the installer does not do anything. Again, author run mode still active, no change.


Am 30.07.2020 um 08:38 schrieb Wim Symons:
Hi all,

After 2 weeks of waiting on Daycare to respond, I’m reaching out here, as I think this is more Apache Sling related than AEM specific.

I’m trying to successfully make an AEM primary author from a cold standby author, but it fails.

It fails because all our OSGi components with config bound to the ‘author’ runmode doesn’t get installed after switching runmode.

I looked at the source code, but it seems there is no way to trigger the JcrInstaller to re-initialize all OSGi config stored in the repository.

Is there any way to do that?

A more detailed explanation of our process:

You start by creating a standby author instance from a primary instance (runmode “author” is active).

The OSGi configuration for our components is stored in sling:OsgiConfig nodes in the JCR below “config.author” folders.

It is properly installed by the JCR Installer and the config files can be found in the launchpad/config folder on disk.

We shut down the instance, *and remove all our OSGi config from the launchpad/config folder on disk*.

We do that to avoid our components getting active in the standby runmode as this is not wanted.

The OSGi config stored in the launchpad/config folder on disk is used, not the OSGi config from the JCR.

I think this is **issue (1)**.

We start the instance with runmode “standby”.

All is fine, AEM is acting as a standby instance, and our components are not active.

We restart the instance, but now give it the runmode “author” again.

We would expect all OSGi configuration from the sling:OsgiConfig nodes below “config.author” folders would become installed by the OSGi framework, but in fact, it does not.

This is **issue (2)**.

AEM acts as an author instance again, but all our components are not active because they don’t have any OSGi config (launchpad/config is empty).

How can I fix this?

Or is this a situation Apache Sling can’t handle?

Kind regards,

*Wim Symons
AEM Lead Architect
*Digital Production Center

wim.sym...@vrt.be <mailto:wim.sym...@vrt.be>
Auguste Reyerslaan 52
B-1043 Brussel

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Carsten Ziegeler
Adobe Research Switzerland

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