On 09.06.2010 12:32, Sziráki Péter wrote:
Ludovic Marcotte írta:
Tobias Bradtke wrote:

After updating to the Webfrontend does not show any Calendar-Entries.
The log shows many of the following errors:

ERROR:  column a.c_category does not exist
LINE 1: ...ent,a.c_title,a.c_location,a.c_orgmail,a.c_status,a.c_catego...
Update your database schema - see the mailing list archives for details on this.

I have the same error. Can tell me anyobody how can i update my database?

$ cd /usr/share/doc/sogo/
$ sudo chmod u+x sql-update-1.2.2_to_1.2.3.sh
$ sudo ./sql-update-1.2.2_to_1.2.3.sh

   "Username" is the database-username
   "Hostname" is the database-hostname
   "Database" is the database-name

Worked for me.

Tobias Bradtke

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