Em 11-06-2010 14:10, Marcio Merlone escreveu:
Just to remember, we are using TB3 + stock Lightning, not the inverse version, and we have our calendars configured as CalDAV. Our (me and a test user) calendar has Date and Time view sharing for public and confidential events for any auth'd user _and_ public access. And still we don't have free/busy one of another.

I think I lost some extremely simple detail.... pls help find it.

"PROPFIND /SOGo/dav/the.other.one/Calendar/personal/ HTTP/1.1" 401 334 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; pt-BR; rv: Gecko/20100317 Lightning/1.0b1 Thunderbird/3.0.4"

I have just stumbled on these apache logs, which may indicate something... (401 = unauthorized) ;) So, I am more confident now this is not a TB issue, but rather a SOGo/conf issue. As I said before, I am pretty sure each one has enough permission to see each other's date/time regarding calendar ACL. What can I check to find the error?

Thanks for your ideas, patience and kindness. :)

Best regards.

Marcio Merlone


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